.. _reprovision_synced_ldap_users:

Re-provision Synced LDAP Users

This procedure re-provisions users that were
synchronized from an LDAP server, in particular, those
users that have been updated on the LDAP server and for which
these updates have not been propagated through VOSS-4-UC. 

In particular, the re-sync will force an update of the selected users
on all UC apps by executing an update Data Sync
as well as its associated workflow.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as a customer administrator or higher and
   select **User Management > Sync & Purge > LDAP Re-Provision Users**.
2. Choose the LDAP Server on which the users need to be re-synced.
3. From the LDAP Users control, add one or more users to re-sync.
4. Click **Save** to start the re-sync action.