.. _regenerate_ios_commands:

Regenerate IOS Commands

This procedure regenerates IOS commands for events that occurred for the selected device, and removes 
all old IOS commands for the selected device.

Because the variables that are used in generating IOS commands may change,
you may want to regenerate IOS commands with the latest configuration. IOS
commands can be regenerated for the following devices:

* IOS Device
* SIP Local gateway
* Analog Gateway

Regenerating commands for an IOS Device also regenerates commands for any SIP
Local gateway or Analog Gateway hosted on the IOS Device.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Choose one of the following depending on the device for which you want
   to regenerate IOS commands:

   * **Apps Management > IOS > IOS Devices** for an IOS Device and any
     gateways it hosts.
   * **Apps Management > IOS > SIP Local Gateways** for a SIP Local Gateway.  
   * **Apps Management > IOS > Analog Gateways** for an Analog Gateway.
3. Click the device for which you want to regenerate commands.
4. Choose **Action > Regenerate IOS Commands**.

IOS commands for the events that had occurred for the selected device are
regenerated. All old IOS commands for the selected device are removed.

.. rubric:: Next Steps

* View the regenerated commands in the IOS Commands log. See :ref:`view_ios_commands_log`.