Macro Nesting ------------- To nest macro calls, create a named macro. Nesting inside macros is not supported. For example, the following incorrect macro: :: (( fn.list_in Kit, {# fn.split {{ device.ldap.user.streetAddress | sAMAccountName:bjones }} #} == True)) should be split up into named macros: * macro: LDAP_USER :: {{ device.ldap.user.streetAddress | sAMAccountName:bjones }} * macro: LDAP_USER_ADDRESS_LIST :: {# fn.split macro.LDAP_USER #} So the correct macro usage should be: :: (( fn.list_in Kit,macro.LDAP_USER_ADDRESS_LIST == True)) .. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM