.. _reference-landing-pages-fields: .. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand Landing Pages Field Reference ----------------------------- .. _20.1.1|EKB-4170: This topic describes the fields and configuration options on the Landing Pages screen in the VOSS-4-UC Admin Portal. .. note:: To access this screen (default menus) go to **Role Management > Landing Pages**; then, click on an existing landing page to open the **Landing Pages** editing screen, or click the Plus icon (+) to add a new landing page (which also opens the **Landing Pages** editing screen). **You can select the following tabs on this screen**: * Details tab * Welcome Header tab Details Tab ........... The Details tab defines the following options for the landing page: * Name: The name of the landing page. * Meta Tasks * Counters * Sections .. rubric:: Meta Tasks These rows display the shortcut buttons (one or more) at the top of the home page screen (directly below the line text, if configured). Click in the row to edit an existing shortcut button, or click the Plus icon (+) to add a new shortcut button. The table describes the fields on the Meta Tasks editing screen: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}| +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | Field Name | Description | +========================+=========================+=======================================================================================+ | Button Text | button\_text | Text for the button. | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | type | The model type to associate with the Title. Blank when href field is populated. | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Href | href | API URL. Direct reference to a model type (the path), if applicable. If used, the | | | | Type field is empty. Example API URL for a lit of items of type | | | | relation/SubscriberPhone: /api/relation/SubscriberPhone/ | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field Display Policy | field\_display\_policy | The field display policy associated with the menu item. | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration Template | configuration\_template | The configuration template associated with the menu item. | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Display As | display | The display format of the model types of the menu item. The default is list. | | | | | | | | * Form: (for a single instance) The link opens a form. | | | | * Tree: (for two or more instances) | | | | * List (for two or more instances) | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. rubric:: Counters These rows display the model-type instance counts (one or more) that display on the landing page. Click in a row to edit an existing counter, or click the Plus icon (+) to add a new counter. The table describes the fields on the Counters editing screen: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}| +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | Field Name | Description | +========================+=========================+===========================================================+ | Title | display | Mandatory. The title to be displayed for this counter. | | | | For example, *Phones*, *Users*. | +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Icon | display | The icon to be used for this counter. | +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | type | The model type to count and associate with the counter. | +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Field Display Policy | field\_display\_policy | The field display policy associated with the counter. | +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration Template | configuration\_template | The configuration template associated with the counter. | +------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ .. rubric:: Sections These rows display the sections (one or more) that display as blocks on the landing page. Click on an item to edit it, or click the Plus (+) icon to add a new section. Use the hamburger icon to re-order the sections. The table describes the general fields on the Sections editing screen: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}| +---------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | Field Name | Description | +===============+=============+====================================================================+ | Title \* | title | Mandatory. The section title as it will show on the Landing page. | +---------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Image URL | image | Optional URL to the image to be displayed as section image. | | | | | | | | For example, let's say a theme is uploaded with landing page | | | | images, and the theme folder has a subfolder with the following | | | | file: *mytheme/img/landingpage/landing1.png* | | | | | | | | In this case, the URL would be: | | | | */www/themes/mytheme/img/landingpage/landing1.png* | +---------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Links | links | List of links (one or more) in the section. | +---------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ The table describes the fields on the **Links** editing screen: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}| +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | Field Name | Description | +==========================+=========================+=======================================================================================+ | Icon | | Choose an icon for the link. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Link Text | link\_text | Mandatory. Text for the link. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Condition | | Optional. Specify a macro as a condition to define whether the link displays on the | | | | landing page. If the macro evaluates to True (default), the link displays. See the | | | | Advanced Configuration Guide for more information about using macros as conditional | | | | criteria. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | type | The model type to associate with the Title. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Href | href | If a direct reference to a model type is used for the menu item, the specified path. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field Display Policy | field\_display\_policy | The field display policy associated with the menu item. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Configuration Template | configuration\_template | The selected Configuration Template that is associated with the Menu Item. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Display As | display | The display format of the model types of the menu item. The default is list. | | | | Default = list. | | | | * Form (for a single instance) | | | | * Tree (for multiple instances) | | | | * List (for multiple instances) | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Display Multiple Columns | is\_multicolumn | Determines if link is shown as multiple columns or not. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome Header Tab ................... The table describes the fields on the Welcome Header tab: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}| +--------------+-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | Field Name | Description | +==============+=============+===========================================================================================================================+ | Header Text | header | A single line static welcome test displayed on top of the landing page. | +--------------+-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Line Text | line | Text for the welcome line displayed under the header. Use [userrole] as a placeholder to insert the current user's role. | +--------------+-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Related Topics ............... * .. raw:: latex Advanced Configuration Guide .. raw:: html <a href="index-adv-config.html">Advanced Configuration Guide</a> * .. raw:: latex Macros in VOSS-4-UC in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="macros-in-voss4uc.html">Macros in VOSS-4-UC</a> * .. raw:: latex Create a Landing Page in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="tasks-landing-page.html">Create a Landing Page</a> * .. raw:: latex Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="concepts-menus-landing-configurable-filters.html">Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages</a> * .. raw:: latex Custom Icon Names Reference in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="reference-bap-interface-custom-icons-1.html">Custom Icon Names Reference</a>