.. _menu_layout_field_reference:

Menu Layout Page

.. _21.1|VOSS-770|EKB-8081:
.. _21.1|VOSS-770|EKB-8084:
.. _21.1|VOSS-770|EKB-8083:

This section describes the fields and configuration options on the Menu Layout page. 

.. note::
   To open this page, go to (default menu) **Role Management > Menu Layouts**, then click on 
   an existing menu layout to edit it (or to clone it to create a new record based on an existing menu layout), 
   or click the Plus icon (+) on the toolbar to add a new menu layout.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{7.5cm}|

| Title                    | Field Name              | Description                                                                                                                                                   |
| Name                     | name                    | Mandatory. The name of the menu layout.                                                                                                                       |
| Description              | description             | A description of the menu layout.                                                                                                                             |
| Menu Items               | menu\_items             | The list of menu items and -sub items that belong to the menu layout.                                                                                         |

.. rubric:: Menu Items

The table describes configuration options for the menu items on the Menu Layouts page:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{7.5cm}|

| Title                  | Field Name              | Description                                                                          |
| Title                  | title                   | The menu item title as it will show on the menu.                                     |
| Condition              |                         | Allows you to display/hide a menu and its sub-menus based on a condition specified   |
|                        |                         | in the macro. If the macro evaluates to true the menus and sub-menus display, else,  |
|                        |                         | when false, the menu and its sub-menus are hidden. The default is True. See the      |
|                        |                         | Advanced Configuration Guide for more information about using macros.                |
| Icon                   |                         | The icon to use for the menu item.                                                   |
|                        |                         |                                                                                      |
| Type                   | type                    | The model type to associate with the menu item title.                                |
| Href                   | href                    | If a direct reference to a model type is used for the menu item, the specified path. |
| Field Display Policy   | field\_display\_policy  | The field display policy to associate with the menu item.                            |
| Configuration Template | configuration\_template | The configuration template to associate with the menu item.                          |
| Custom Components      |                         | Admin Portal core custom components. Options in the drop-down depend on              |
|                        |                         | the model you choose in the **Type** field, For example, when choosing model type    |
|                        |                         | view/AddPhone, the custom component available for selection is **Add Phone**. The    |
|                        |                         | custom components allow you to display GUI content (such as landing pages, lists,    |
|                        |                         | and forms) in the same layout as they appear in the Business Admin Portal.           |
|                        |                         |                                                                                      |
|                        |                         | Custom components are also available for multi vendor environments and for           |
|                        |                         | Microsoft-only environments.                                                         |
|                        |                         | This feature is only available in the new VOSS-4-UC Admin Portal.                    |
| Landing Page           |                         | The landing page to display, when the **Display As** option for the menu item is set |
|                        |                         | to **Landing Page**. This option is only available in the new VOSS-4-UC Admin Portal |
|                        |                         | GUI. Note that sub-menus cannot be selected as landing pages.                        |
| Display As             | display                 | The display format of the model types of the menu item. Options are:                 |
|                        |                         |                                                                                      |
|                        |                         | * **Form** for a single instance                                                     |
|                        |                         | * **List** or **Tree** for more than one instance                                    |
|                        |                         | * **Landing Page** for an existing landing page. (This option is available only      |
|                        |                         |   the new VOSS-4-UC Admin Portal GUI.                                                |
|                        |                         |                                                                                      |
|                        |                         | The default is **List**.                                                             |

.. rubric:: Filters

The table describes configuration options for Configurable and Fixed Filters on the Menu Layouts page: 

.. note:: 

   Fixed filters cannot be removed. 

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{3.5cm}|p{7.5cm}|

| Title                | Field Name         | Description                                                       |
| Configurable Filters | filter_options.[n] | For **List** option only.                                         |
| Filter By            | filter_by          | Attributes of the **Type** can be chosen from the drop-down list. |
| Filter Type          | filter_type        | Choose the matching operator for the filter.                      |
| Filter String        | filter_string      | Choose the value that the matching operator should match by.      |

.. rubric:: Related Topics

* :ref:`business-admin-portal-interface-custom-icon-names-reference`

  .. raw:: latex

     Advanced Configuration Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="index-adv-config.html">Advanced Configuration Guide</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Menu Layouts in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-menu-layout.html">Menu Layouts</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Create a Menu Layout in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="tasks-menu-layout.html">Create a Menu Layout</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-menus-landing-configurable-filters.html">Configurable Filters in Menus and Landing Pages</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Macros in VOSS-4-UC in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="macros-in-voss4uc.html">Macros in VOSS-4-UC</a>