.. _reference_config_template_update_model_arrays:

Configuration Templates for Array Updates

When creating Configuration Templates for any of the models in the **Model Type** column below,
it is not necessary to also set changed and existing values for *every* array item in the **Array Field** column.

Only values for the *changed* items are required. The attribute in the **Identifying Attribute** column
will be used to maintain the existing array item values.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{8cm}|p{2cm}|

| Model Type                  | Array Field                                    | Identifying Attribute |
| RemoteDestinationProfile    | lines.line                                     | dirn                  |
| RemoteDestinationProfile    | lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser          | userId                |
| CtiRoutePoint               | lines.line                                     | dirn                  |
| CtiRoutePoint               | lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser          | userId                |
| Phone                       | lines.line                                     |  dirn                 |
| Phone                       | lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser          | userId                |
| GatewaySccpEndpoints        | endpoint.lines.line                            | dirn                  |
| GatewaySccpEndpoints        | endpoint.lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser | userId                |
| GatewayEndpointAnalogAccess | endpoint.lines.line                            | dirn                  |
| GatewayEndpointAnalogAccess | endpoint.lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser | userId                |
| DeviceProfile               | lines.line                                     | dirn                  |
| DeviceProfile               | lines.line.associatedEndusers.enduser          | userId                |