.. _voss-custom-components:

Custom Components for Menu Layouts and Landing Pages

.. _21.1|VOSS-770|EKB-8081:
.. _21.1|VOSS-770|EKB-9491:

The table below provides available custom components for selection when managing menu layouts or landing pages.

* The **Name** value is available from the **Custom Component** drop down list on the menu layout or landing page
  if the **Type** dropdown matches the **Model Type** in the table.
* If no **Type** is selected in the menu layout or landing page, dashboards in the **Name** column of the table
  are available.
* The **Route** column can be used for inspection of the component appearance: refer to the URL endpoints
  of Business Admin Portal menu items that match the **Route** value.  

| Model Type                       | Name         | Route                                       |
| view/AddPhone                    | Add Phone    | /phone/add-phone                            |
| view/AddSubscriberFromProfile    | Add          | /subscribers/add-subscriber                 |
|                                  | Subscriber   |                                             |
| relation/PexipConference         | Add/Edit     | /conferencing/form-conferencing             |
|                                  | Conferencing |                                             |
|                                  | Add/Edit     |                                             |
| relation/SubscriberDeviceProfile | Extension    | /extension-mobility/edit-extension-mobility |
|                                  | Mobility     |                                             |
| relation/HuntGroupRelation       | Add/Edit     | /hunt-group/edit-hunt-group                 |
|                                  | Hunt Group   |                                             |
| relation/Voicemail               | Add/Edit     | /voicemail/edit-voicemail                   |
|                                  | Voicemail    |                                             |
| relation/SparkUser               | Add/Edit     | /webex-teams/form-webex-teams               |
|                                  | Webex Teams  |                                             |
| view/BulkAddUser                 | Bulk Add     | /subscribers/bulk-add-subscribers           |
|                                  | Subscribers  |                                             |
|                                  | Call Pickup  |                                             |
|                                  | Group        | /call-pickup-group                          |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Conferencing | /conferencing                               |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Contact      |                                             |
|                                  | Center       | /contact-center                             |
|                                  | Express      |                                             |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
| relation/LineRelation            | Edit Line    | /number-management/edit-line                |
| relation/SubscriberPhone         | Edit Phone   | /phone/edit-phone                           |
| relation/HcsSiteREL              | Edit Site    | /site/edit-site                             |
| relation/Subscriber              | Edit         | /subscribers/edit-subscriber                |
|                                  | Subscriber   |                                             |
|                                  | Extension    |                                             |
|                                  | Mobility     | /extension-mobility                         |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Headset      | /headsets                                   |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Hunt Group   | /hunt-group                                 |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
| view/UserPhoneMoveUsers_VIEW     | Move         | /subscribers/move-subscriber                |
|                                  | Subscriber   |                                             |
|                                  | Multi-Vendor |                                             |
| relation/MultiVendorSubscribers  | Subscribers  | /subscribers/list-mv-subscribers            |
|                                  | List         |                                             |
|                                  | Number       |                                             |
|                                  | Inventory    | /number-management                          |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Phone        | /phone                                      |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Site         |                                             |
|                                  | Management   | /site                                       |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Subscriber   | /subscribers                                |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
| relation/Subscriber              | Subscribers  | /subscribers/list-subscribers               |
|                                  | List         |                                             |
|                                  | Tools        | /tools                                      |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Voicemail    | /voicemail                                  |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |
|                                  | Webex Teams  | /webex-teams                                |
|                                  | Dashboard    |                                             |

.. rubric:: Related Topics

* :ref:`create_a_menu_layout`
* :ref:`create_a_landing_page`