.. _quick-add-sip-gateway:

Quick Add SIP Gateway

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-519:


The Quick Add SIP Gateway feature (default menu **Apps Management > IOS > Quick Add
SIP Gateway**) allows you to configure a new SIP Gateway with associated components.

The following five actions have been consolidated into one procedure, performed
from a single form. 

At customer level

1. Add the IOS Device
#. Add the SIP Trunk
#. Add the SIP LBO Gateway

At site level

4. Associate the Gateway to the Site
#. Add the E1/T1 Ports (optional)

Adding the SIP Gateway and Associated Components

1. Open the **Quick Add SIP Gateway** form.
#. From the **IOS Device** tab, add the IOS Gateway:

   * Enter the mandatory **IOS Device Name** and optional **IOS Device Description**
     fields, or select an existing IOS Device from the drop-down list. **Prime
     Collaboration** can also be configured if required.
   * Complete the **Network Addresses** section, by selecting the **SERVICE_PROVIDER_SPACE**
     option from the **Address Space** drop-down and then entering the associated
     **IPv4 Address**.
   * Create another Network Address (as seen from the Unified CM) for use by the
     SIP Trunk, but this time selecting the **APPLICATION_SPACE** option. 
   * Complete the **Credentials** section.
   Refer to :ref:`set_up_an_ios_device` for more details.
#. On the **SIP Trunk** tab:

   Select the required SIP trunk template from the drop-down list. The SIP trunk
   templates assemble data, e.g. IPv4, from the data configured in the **Network
   Addresses** section above.
   Available templates are shown on the **Configuration Templates** list. Filter
   on 'siptrunk' in the **Name** column. Existing sample SIP trunk templates can
   be cloned, modified and saved under a new name.
#. On the **SIP Gateway** tab, complete the required fields such as:
   * **SIP Gateway Name** - this is a mandatory field.
   * **Country** - Read only field. The country where the SIP Gateway is, and the
     same country as the Site to which the SIP Gateway will be associated.
   * **Run On Every Node** - determines if the Unified CM hosts the trunk
     everywhere, default = Selected.
   * **Enable Command Builder** - default = Selected
#. On the **Ports** tab (optional):

   Add an E1 or T1 port to the gateway:
   1. Enter the required T1 or E1 **Port Number** and **Description**.
   #. Select a **Port Template** from the drop-down, which drives the values
      defined for E1 and T1.
      Existing sample port templates can be cloned, modified and saved under a
      new name.

#. Click **Save**. Upon completion, the IOS Device, SIP Trunk, SIP LBO Gateway are
   created, the SIP LBO Gateway is associated to the Site, and the optional E1
   and T1 ports are created.


Quick Add SIP Gateway does not support incremental configuration of the gateway.
Activities such as adding additional ports must be done via the appropriate menu item.