.. _workflow_for_deleting_subscribers:

Workflow for Deleting Subscribers

You can delete and unprovision subscribers as follows:

* Use the **Subscriber Management > Subscribers** menu path.

Deleting a subscriber works differently based on:

* The Subscriber Type
* The subscriber's Device Associations

Subscribers are typically of these types:

* **Non-LDAP Synchronized Users**

  * Users created in VOSS-4-UC and pushed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
  * Users provisioned in Cisco Unified CM and synchronized to VOSS-4-UC.
* **LDAP Integrated at VOSS-4-UC Users**

  Users that are LDAP integrated at Cisco Unified CM and synchronized to VOSS-4-UC.
* **LDAP Synchronized Users**

  Users that are directly synchronized from an LDAP Server to VOSS-4-UC.

Subscribers can have these associations:

* Associated devices, such as Phones, Extension Mobility, Single Number
  Reach, Voicemail, and WebEx.
* No device associations.

When you delete a user using **Subscriber Management > Subscribers**, the system
performs these tasks, depending on the user type and device associations.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{7cm}|p{4cm}|

| User Type     | With Devices                              | Without Devices  |
|               | Deletes all devices:                      |                  |
|               |                                           |                  |
|               | * Phones: device/cucdm/Phone              |                  |
| Non-LDAP      | * Single Number Reach:                    |                  |
| Synchronized  |   device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile    |                  |
| Users         |                                           | Deletes the      |
|               | * Extension Mobility:                     | Provisioning     |
| LDAP          |   device/cucdm/DeviceProfile              | Status.          |
| Integrated at |                                           |                  |
| Cisco Unified | * Voicemail: device/cuc/User              |                  |
| CM Users      |                                           |                  |
|               | * WebEx: device/WebEx/User                |                  |
|               |                                           |                  |
|               | Deletes the Provisioning Status.          |                  |
|               | Deletes all devices:                      |                  |
|               |                                           |                  |
|               | * Phones: device/cucdm/Phone              |                  |
|               | * Single Number Reach:                    |                  |
|               |   device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile    | Deletes the user |
|               |                                           | from Cisco       |
|               | * Extension Mobility:                     | Unified CM:      |
| LDAP          |   device/cucdm/DeviceProfile              | device/cucm/User |
| Synchronized  |                                           |                  |
| Users         | * Voicemail: device/cuc/User              | Removes the      |
|               |                                           | Cisco Unity Call |
|               | * WebEx: device/webex/User                | Manager from the |
|               |                                           | Provisioning     |
|               | Deletes the user from Cisco Unified CM:   | Status.          |
|               | device/cucm/User                          |                  |
|               |                                           |                  |
|               | Removes the Cisco Unity Call Manager from |                  |
|               | the Provisioning Status.                  |                  |