.. _provision_the_single_number_reach_service:

Provision the Single Number Reach Service


1. Choose **Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber**, and choose the user for
   whom you want to provision Single Number Reach from the **Username** drop-down list.
2. Choose the **Single Number Reach** tab.
   The SNR Mobile Number field appears.
3. In the SNR Mobile Number field, optionally enter the mobile number. Do not add
   any spaces or special characters to the number.

   The SNR Mobile Number can be the same as the user's Mobile Number
   shown in **User Management > Users**.

4. Click **Save**.
5. Choose **Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber**, and choose the same
   user from the **Username** drop-down list.
6. Choose the **Existing Services** tab.
7. Make sure that the Single Number Reach displays the **Single Number Reach**
   profile name.

   The Single Number Reach profile name is the user name followed by
   \"-RDP\". For example: jsmith-RDP.