.. _license_anonymous_customer_aggregate_data_export:

License Anonymous Customer Aggregate Data Export

.. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|EKB-722:
.. _19.1.1|EKB-1111:
.. _19.1.1|VOSS-473:
.. _19.2.1|VOSS-558:
.. _19.3.1|VOSS-607|EKB-3534:
.. _19.3.1|VOSS-653:
.. _20.1.1|EKB-5431:   
.. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-5322:
.. _21.1|EKB-7504:

This is the VOSS version of the report file without identifying customer data.

Filename: ``vlf_<provider_name>_<host_name>_anonymous_<YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>.csv``

Metadata: header rows showing the date time stamp and version, prefixed by a `#`, for example:


   #Platform ID=5e54067d116fa10046313224
   #Provider Name=CS-P
   #Software Version=21.1
   #Platform Version=21.1.0-1630252949
   #Deployment Mode=Provider with HCMF
   #Date Time=2021-08-30 11:53
   #Audit Version=4.0.0

.. note::

   For licensing:

   * ``OrgID`` is the account id from the Customer Portal: **Company Information**.
   * CTI Ports are *not counted* as user or standalone phones.
   * Cisco Spark Remote Devices are *only* counted if a subscriber has no other phones.
     If a subscriber has more than one Cisco Spark Remote Device, this is counted as a single device. 
   * If a user has more than 10 devices associated to them (via associated devices or ownerid on the phone)
     then for each increment of 10, an additional license is counted. 

     For example: 
     * a user with 5 phones assigned = 1 license and *not* added to `Users With More Than 10 Phones` list.
     * a user with 15 phones assigned = 2 licenses and added to `Users With More Than 10 Phones` list.
     * a user with 30 phones assigned = 3 licenses and added to `Users With More Than 10 Phones` list.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}|p{2cm}|

| DEVICE/SERVICE                                                     | DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             | DATA TYPE |
| Customer PKID                                                      | Customer hierarchy pkid on the system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | string    |
| One Phone (No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)                            | Number of Subscribers at the site level with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) but *without* VM, WebEx or Spark (Webex Teams) Services. A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user.              | integer   |
| One Phone & Spark (No VM & No WebEx)                               | Number of Subscribers at the site level with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) *and* Spark (Webex Teams) service but *without* VM or WebEx Services. A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user. | integer   |
| One Phone & VM (No WebEx)                                          | Number of Subscribers at the site level with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) *and* VM but *without* WebEx Services. A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user.                                | integer   |
| One Phone & WebEx                                                  | Number of Subscribers at the site level with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) *and* WebEx. A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user.                                                          | integer   |
| Multiple Phones                                                    | Number of Subscribers at the site level with more than one device (Hard or Soft Phone). A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user.                                                            | integer   |
| Users With More Than 10 Phones                                     | Number of Subscribers at the site level with more than 10 devices (Hard or Soft Phone). A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user.                                                            | integer   |
| UCM User (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No SNR & No Spark) | Number of Subscribers at the site level *without* any services and without an Extension Mobility Profile.                                                                                                                                                               | integer   |
| SNR (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)               | Number of Subscribers at the site level that only have the SNR service enabled.                                                                                                                                                                                         | integer   |
| VM (No Phone & No EM & No WebEx)                                   | Number of Subscribers at the site level that only have the VM service enabled.                                                                                                                                                                                          | integer   |
| WebEx (No Phone & No EM)                                           | Number of Subscribers at the site level that only have the WebEx service enabled.                                                                                                                                                                                       | integer   |
| Spark - (No Phone & No EM & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx)             | Number of Subscribers at the site level that only have the Spark (Webex Teams) service enabled.                                                                                                                                                                         | integer   |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{8.5cm}|p{2cm}|

| DEVICE/SERVICE                                       | DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                                                   | DATA TYPE |
| EM & Spark (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx)             | Number of Subscribers at the site level with an Extension Mobility profile *and* Spark (Webex Teams) service but *without* VM or WebEx Services.                                                              | integer   |
| EM (No Phone & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark) | Number of Subscribers at the site level with an Extension Mobility profile but *without* any device or services.                                                                                              | integer   |
| EM & SNR (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)    | Number of Subscribers at the site level with an Extension Mobility profile *and* Remote Destination Profile but *without* devices or services.                                                                | integer   |
| EM & VM (No Phone & No WebEx)                        | Number of Subscribers at the site level with an Extension Mobility profile *and* VM but *without* devices or WebEx service.                                                                                   | integer   |
| EM & WebEx (No Phone)                                | Number of Subscribers at the site level with an Extension Mobility profile *and* WebEx service but *without* devices.                                                                                         | integer   |
| Standalone Phones (No UCM User)                      | Number of phones at the site level in the system that are *not* assigned to a Subscriber.  A user's associated devices as well as a phone's ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to a user. | integer   |
| Standalone WebEx (No UCM User)                       | Number of standalone WebEx accounts at the site level in the system (no corresponding UCM user).                                                                                                              | integer   |
| Standalone Voicemail (No UCM User)                   | Number of VM only accounts at the site level in the system (no corresponding UCM user).                                                                                                                       | integer   |
| Contact Center Enterprise                            | Number of Contact Center Enterprise users at the site level in the system (UCCE).                                                                                                                             | integer   |
| Contact Center Express                               | Number of Contact Center Express users at the site level in the system (UCCX).                                                                                                                                | integer   |
| Standalone Spark (No UCM User)                       | Number of standalone Spark (Webex Teams) users in the system at any level. This means a Spark (Webex Teams) user without a corresponding UCM user.                                                            | integer   |
| Public Sector                                        | Flag that indicates if the Customer has been flagged as a public sector customer.                                                                                                                             | boolean   |
| Inactive Billing                                     | Flag that indicates if the Customer's licenses should be billed - used for test customers.                                                                                                                    | boolean   |
| Standalone Analog Ports (No UCM User)                | Number of *Analog* phones at the site level in the system that are *not* assigned to a Subscriber.                                                                                                            | integer   |
| Standard Users with Spark                            | Number of Subscribers with multiple devices, other services (e.g VM and/or WebEx) *and* Spark (Webex Teams) service.                                                                                          | integer   |
| MS Teams (No Voice)                                  | Number of Microsoft Teams users under the Customer who do not have Enterprise Voice enabled.                                                                                                                  | integer   |
| MS Teams & Voice                                     | Number of Microsoft Teams users under the Customer with Enterprise voice service enabled.                                                                                                                     | integer   |
| MS O365 User (no Teams)                              | Number of Microsoft Office 365 users without Microsoft Teams under the Customer. User is in Azure AD and licensed.                                                                                            | integer   |
| Cisco and MS Integrated Service                      | Number of Subscribers under the Customer with integrated Cisco and Microsoft services. (Hybrid)                                                                                                               | integer   |
| Multi-vendor Users                                   | Number of Subscribers under the Customer with devices from multiple vendors, e.g. Cisco and Microsoft. (excluding Hybrid)                                                                                     | integer   |
| PexIP only                                           | Number of users under the Customer only provisioned with Pexip Conference service.                                                                                                                            | integer   |
| Phone Server Phones                                  | Number of VOSS Phone Server phones set up under the Customer.                                                                                                                                                 | integer   |
| Site Count                                           | Number of Sites under the Customer.                                                                                                                                                                           | integer   |

* UCM: Unified Communications Manager
* UCCX: Unified Contact Center Express
* UCCE: Unified Contact Center Enterprise
* EM: Extension Mobility profile
* VM: Voicemail
* SNR: Single Number Reach
* Public Sector: boolean flag on Customer to indicate public sector customer. Can be set with an API call or on the GUI Customer form.
* MS O365: Microsoft Office 365
* MS Teams: Microsoft Teams



   #Platform ID=5e54067d116fa10046313224
   #Provider Name=CS-P
   #Software Version=21.1
   #Platform Version=21.1.0-1630252949
   #Deployment Mode=Provider with HCMF
   #Date Time=2021-08-30 11:53
   #Audit Version=4.0.0
   Customer PKID,One Phone & Spark (No VM & No WebEx),One Phone (No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),One Phone & VM (No WebEx),One Phone & WebEx,Multiple Phones,Users With More Than 10 Phones,UCM User (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No SNR & No Spark),SNR (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),VM (No Phone & No EM & No WebEx),WebEx (No Phone & No EM),Spark (No Phone & No EM & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx),EM & Spark (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx),EM (No Phone & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),EM & SNR (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),EM & VM (No Phone & No WebEx),EM & WebEx (No Phone),Standalone Phones (No UCM User),Standalone WebEx (No UCM User),Standalone Voicemail (No UCM User),Contact Center Enterprise,Contact Center Express,Standalone Spark (No UCM User),Public Sector,Inactive Billing,Standalone Analog Ports (No UCM User),Standard Users with Spark,MS Teams (No Voice),MS Teams & Voice,MS O365 User (no Teams),Cisco and MS Integrated Service,Multi-vendor Users,PexIP only,Phone Server Phones,Site Count