Update a Site Dial Plan

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as the provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Set the hierarchy path to the site for which you want to update the
   site dial plan.
3. Choose **Dial Plan Management > Site > Dial Plan**.
4. Click the Site Dial Plan you want to update.
5. In the **Dial Plan** screen, you can update the following fields:

   | Field               | Description                                |
   | Area Code           | An area code associated with the site.     |
   | Local Number Length | The length of a locally dialed number for  |
   |                     | the specified area code.                   |
   | Area Code Used for  | Select this check box if the area code is  |
   | Local Dialing       | included in locally dialed calls.          |
   |                     | The site published number is the default   |
   | Published Number    | E.164 mask when a line is associated to a  |
   |                     | phone at a particular site.                |
   | Emergency Call Back | The site emergency call-back number is the |
   | Number              | calling number when initiating an outgoing |
   |                     | emergency call.                            |

   Note: You can also add or delete Area Codes.

6. Click **Save**.

Area Code Changes

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plans, area code changes result in the
affected local dialing translation patterns getting reapplied for the
site. For new area codes, new translation patterns are deployed to
the site based on the country dial plan schema associated with the
site. Any translation patterns related to deleted area codes are
undeployed from Cisco Unified CM based on the site's country dial
plan schema. For updated area codes, related translation patterns are
undeployed from Cisco Unified CM, then new translation patterns based
on the updated area codes are deployed.

For the Cisco Type 1-4 dial plan schema groups, area code changes
generate LBO IOS area code events. If you change the area code for a
site associated with one or more Local SIP Gateways, area code IOS
commands are generated. If an area code is:

* Added - The area code add IOS command is generated.

* Deleted - The area code delete IOS command is generated if no
  other sites associated with the same SIP Local Gateway are using
  the deleted area code. If another site still references the same
  gateway's area code, the delete area code IOS command is not
  generated. This prevents invalidating the other site's local
  dialing behavior.

* Updated - The area code delete and add IOS commands are generated
  as necessary based on the added and deleted logic.

Published Number Changes

If you changed the Published Number, the following site defaults are
updated if they used the previous Published Number:

* Default CUCM Phone Line E164 Mask
* Default CUCM Device Profile Line E164 Mask
* Line E164 Mask

If you changed the Published Number, then Phone Line Masks, Device
Profiles, and Remote Destination Profiles that use the previous
Published Number are updated. Any Phone Line Masks, Device Profiles,
and Remote Destination Profiles that use a number other than the
previous Published Number are not updated.

If you changed the Published Number, previously generated E164 IOS
commands for a SIP Local Gateway associated with the site are
automatically regenerated.

Emergency Call Back Number Changes

If you have configured a Type 1 - 4 dial plan, two calling party
transformations are created automatically with the Emergency Call
Back Number. Changing the Emergency Call Back Number updates the
calling party mask in these calling party transformation patterns if
it used the previous Emergency Call Back Number:

* \"*{{ macro.HcsDpSiteId}}*!\"
* \"*{{ macro.HcsDpSiteId}}*\\+!\"

If the calling party mask has been manually changed, the fields are

These calling party transformation patterns insert the Emergency Call
Back Number as the caller ID for any emergency calls placed from
phones within the site.

.. rubric:: Next Steps

Apply any generated or regenerated IOS commands to your IOS gateway.