.. _p_move_users:

Move Users

You can move users between any hierarchy nodes at or below the hierarchy node
where the users were originally created or synced in. Typically, users synced in 
at a customer hierarchy node are moved to various customer sites. 

When moving users, choose an appropriate role for the target hierarchy from the following 
drop-down: **Move To Role** 

.. rubric:: Restrictions that apply when moving users

The table describes restritions that apply when moving users: 

============================================================================ ========================================
**Scenario**                                                                 **Restrictions**
Moving users that have been pushed to Cisco Unified Communications Manager   * Cisco Unified Communications Manager 
                                                                               users can only be moved down the 
                                                                             * An NDL containing the same Cisco 
                                                                               Unified Communications Manager that 
                                                                               the users were pushed to must be 
                                                                               referenced at or below the target 
                                                                               hierarchy node.

Moving users between sites                                                   * You cannot move users between 
                                                                             * You can move users only between 
                                                                               sites that: 

                                                                               * Reference the same NDL
                                                                               * Have the same type of site dial
                                                                               * Have the same country
============================================================================ ========================================

.. rubric:: Different methods for moving users

The table describes three ways to move users: 

============================= ==============================================
**Move users by filters**     Choose users to move, based on one or more 
                              user attributes, for example, City or Street. 
**Move users by usernames**   Move multiple users at once (bulk move).
**Move user by username**     Move a single user.
============================= ==============================================

.. note::

   * When moving a user for SLC dialplan the lines associated to the agent line
     and the shared line show warnings in the form of logs.
   * User at site level cannot be moved.

.. rubric:: Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Create a Filter to Move Users in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="create-move-filter.html">Create a Filter to Move Users</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Moving Users from Customer to Site in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="move-users-customer-to-site.html">Moving Users from Customer to Site</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Moving Users from Site to Site in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="p_moving-subscribers-between-sites.html">Moving Users from Site to Site</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Automatically Move Users Synchronized from Cisco Unified CM in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="automatic-user-move.html">Automatically Move Users Synchronized from Cisco Unified CM</a>