.. _p_local-break-out-and-analog-gateway-events-ios-commands-and-variables: Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events, IOS Commands, and Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Notes | +==============================================================+===============+ | **HcsAddIOSDeviceEVT** An IOS Device is added. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | voice service VoIP | | | | | | no IP address trusted authenticate | If you are | | | generating | | y | the command | | | for VG350 | | fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback | analog | | pass-through g711ulaw | gateway, | | | remove y from | | modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw | the generated | | | commands, and | | voice class codec 1 | then paste it | | | to the analog | | codec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 30 | gateway | | | console. | | codec preference 2 g711ulaw | | | | | | codec preference 3 g711alaw | | | | | | end | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{15cm}| +-----------------------------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | +=====================================================+ | **HcsDeleteIOSDeviceEVT** An IOS Device is deleted. | +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | :: | | | | conf t | | no voice service VoIP | | no voice class codec 1 | | end | | | +-----------------------------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+=================================+ | **HcsAddAnalogGatewayEVT** An Analog Gateway is added. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | stcapp ccm-group 1 | | | | | | stcapp | | | | | | stcapp feature access-code | | | | | | stcapp feature speed-dial | | | | | | sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }} | | | | | | sccp | pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface | | | - This is the physical device | | bind interface {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }} | network interface (Ethernet | | | Port) for the analog gateway. | | sccp ccm group 1 | | | | | | {{ macro.HcsAnalogGwCommandForCCMIdentAndAssocMCR }} ccm-manager | | | config server {{ fn.one macro.HcsCucmsAssociatedToNDLRMCR}} | | | | | | ccm-manager sccp local {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }} | | | | | | ccm-manager sccp | | | | | | stcapp | | | | | | end | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT** An Endpoint is added for the | | | Analog Gateway. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS | | | port number of the analog | | voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | gateway device. | | | | | caller-id enable | pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout | | | - Time in seconds for which a | | timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string | connection is maintained after | | pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }} | the completion of a | | | communication exchange. | | cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }} | | | | pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is | | signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}} | the call progress tone of the | | | country that supports each | | no shutdown | analog device in the gateway. | | | | | dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots | pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the | | | dial peer number we use to | | service stcapp | generate dial peer. It starts | | | from 4 for the first dial peer, | | port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | and increase by 1 for the next | | | one. | | end | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT** An Endpoint Module is | | | added for the Analog Gateway. | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS | | | port number of the analog | | voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | gateway device. | | | | | caller-id enable | pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone - This is | | | the call progress tone of the | | timeouts call-disconnect {{ fn.as_string | country that supports each | | pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout }} | analog device in the gateway. | | | | | cptone {{ pwf.GatewayDAT.cpTone }} | pwf.GatewayDAT.disconnectTimeout | | | - Time in seconds for which a | | signal {{macro.HcsIosCmdAnalogGwSignalMCR}} | connection is maintained after | | | the completion of a | | no shutdown | communication exchange. | | | | | dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots | pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the | | | dial peer number we use to | | service stcapp | generate dial peer. It starts | | | from 4 for the first dial peer, | | port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | and increase by 1 for the next | | | one. | | end | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{15cm}| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | +======================================================================+ | **HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEVT** An Analog Gateway is deleted. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | :: | | | | conf t | | | | no stcapp | | | | no ccm-manager sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }} | | | | no ccm-manager sccp | | | | no sccp | | | | no sccp local {{ input.GatewayDAT.networkInterface }} | | | | no sccp ccm group 1 | | | | end | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+=================================+ | **HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT** An Analog Gateway Endpoint | | | is deleted. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | | | | | | no caller-id enable | pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS | | | port number of the analog | | no timeouts call-disconnect | gateway device. | | | | | no cptone | pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the | | | dial peer number we use to | | no signal | generate dial peer. It starts | | | from 4 for the first dial peer, | | shutdown | and increase by 1 for the next | | | one. | | no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots | | | | | | no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | | | | | | end | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +============================================================+=================================+ | **HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT** An Analog Gateway | | | Endpoint Module is deleted. | | +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | voice-port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | | | | | | no caller-id enable | pwf.PORT_NUM - This is the FXS | | | port number of the analog | | no timeouts call-disconnect | gateway device. | | | | | no cptone | pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO - returns the | | | dial peer number we use to | | no signal | generate dial peer. It starts | | | from 4 for the first dial peer, | | shutdown | and increase by 1 for the next | | | one. | | no dial-peer voice {{ pwf.DIAL_PEER_NO }} pots | | | | | | no port {{ pwf.PORT_NUM }} | | | | | | end | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=======================================================+=====================+ | **HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT** A SIP Local Gateway is added. | | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | voice class e164-pattern-map 4007 | | | e164 \+T | | | e164 .T | | | voice service VoIP | | | allow-connections sip to sip | | | sip-ua | | | retry invite 2 | | | timers trying 150 | | | application | | | service dsapp | | | param disc-toggle-time 20 | | | param callHold TRUE | | | param callWaiting TRUE | | | param callConference TRUE | | | param callTransfer TRUE | | | voice translation-rule 802 | | | voice translation-profile VOIPOUT80 | | | translate called 802 | | | voice translation-rule 812 | | | voice translation-profile VOIPIN81 | | | translate calling 811 | | | translate called 812 | | | no voice hunt invalid-number | | | no voice hunt unassigned-number | | | | | | | | | [CTD..] | | +-------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +==========================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT** A SIP Local Gateway is added [CTD] | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | [CTD] | | | | | | dial-peer voice 8 VoIP | | | translation-profile incoming VOIPIN81 | | | session protocol sipv2 | | | incoming called e164-pattern-map 4007 | | | fax rate 14400 | | | no vad | | | voice translation-rule 812 | | | rule 97 /^\\+01\\(.*\\)/ /904\\1/ | | | rule 98 /^\\+1\\(.*\\)/ /901\\1/ | | | rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /902\\1/ | | | rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /904\\1/ | | | voice translation-rule 9011 | | | rule 98 /^\\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any | | | national | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | | Country Code based on the | | rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any international | Country field configured on this | | | SIP Local GW | | rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | | voice translation-rule 9021 | the Country's national trunk | | | access prefix based on the | | rule 81 /^901\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any national | Country field configured on this | | | SIP Local GW | | rule 82 /^902\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any international | | | | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | | rule 83 /^903\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | the Country's international | | | access prefix based on the | | rule 84 /^904\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | Country field configured on this | | | SIP Local GW | | voice translation-rule 9022 | | | | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | | rule 81 /^901\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown | Server's IP or hostname for dial | | | peer | | rule 82 /^902\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | | | CUCM server's priority in the | | | dial peer list | | rule 83 /^903\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | | | | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | | rule 84 /^904\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | peer number we use to generate | | | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | voice translation-rule 9111 | the first dial peer, and | | | increase by 1 for the next one. | | rule 1 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\1/ type national unknown | | | | | | [CTD...] | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +============================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT** A SIP Local Gateway is added [CTD] | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | [CTD] | | | | | | rule 2 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\+\\1/ type international unknown | | | voice translation-rule 9012 | | | rule 98 /^\\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\(.*\\)/ | | | /{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown | | | rule 99 /^\\+\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\1/ type any unknown | | | rule 100 /^\\(.*\\)/ /\\1/ type any unknown | | | voice translation-rule 9121 | | | voice translation-rule 9112 | | | rule 1 /^{{pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX}}\\(.*\\)/ /\+\\1/ type unknown unknown | | | rule 2 /^{{pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX}}\\(.*\\)/ | | | /\+{{pwf.COUNTRYCODE}}\\1/ type unknown unknown | | | voice translation-rule 9122 | | | voice translation-profile POTSOUT9011 | | | translate calling 9011 | | | translate called 9021 | | | voice translation-profile POTSOUT9012 | | | translate calling 9011 | | | translate called 9022 | | | voice translation-profile POTSOUT9021 | | | translate calling 9012 | | | translate called 9021 | | | voice translation-profile POTSOUT9022 | | | translate calling 9012 | | | translate called 9022 | | | voice translation-profile POTSIN9111 | | | translate calling 9111 | | | translate called 9121 | | | voice translation-profile POTSIN9112 | | | translate calling 9111 | | | translate called 9122 | | | voice translation-profile POTSIN9121 | | | translate calling 9112 | | | translate called 9121 | | | voice translation-profile POTSIN9122 | | | translate calling 9112 | | | translate called 9122 | | | end | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +====================================================================+==================================+===============+ | **HcsAddSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT** Triggers IOS Commands for each | | | | Dial Peer when A SIP Local Gateway is added. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | | | | | :: | | | | | | | | conf t | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | | | Country Code based on the | | | dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | translation-profile outgoing VOIPOUT80 | | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | {{pwf.PREFERENCE}} | the Country's national trunk | | | | access prefix based on the | | | voice-class codec 1 | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | service dsapp | | | | | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 120 down-interval | the Country's international | | | 60 retry 2 | access prefix based on the | One command | | | Country field configured on this | set is | | session target {{pwf.PBXIP}} | SIP Local GW | generated per | | | | dial peer. | | destination e164-pattern-map 4007 | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | | | | Server's IP or hostname for dial | | | session protocol sipv2 | peer | | | | | | | modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | | | | CUCM server's priority in the | | | dtmf-relay rtp-nte | dial peer list | | | | | | | fax rate 14400 | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | | | | peer number we use to generate | | | no vad | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | | | the first dial peer, and | | | end | increase by 1 for the next one. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +===============================================================+==================================+ | **HcsDeleteSipLocalGwEVT** A SIP Local Gateway is deleted. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | no voice translation-profile POTSIN9122 | | | no voice translation-profile POTSIN9121 | | | no voice translation-profile POTSIN9112 | | | no voice translation-profile POTSIN9111 | | | no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9022 | | | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9021 | Country Code based on the | | | Country field configured on this | | no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9012 | SIP Local GW | | | | | no voice translation-profile POTSOUT9011 | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | the Country's national trunk | | no voice translation-rule 9122 | access prefix based on the | | | Country field configured on this | | no voice translation-rule 9112 | SIP Local GW | | | | | no voice translation-rule 9121 | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | the Country's international | | no voice translation-rule 9012 | access prefix based on the | | | Country field configured on this | | no voice translation-rule 9111 | SIP Local GW | | | | | no voice translation-rule 9022 | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | | | Server's IP or hostname for dial | | no voice translation-rule 9021 | peer | | | | | no voice translation-rule 9011 | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | | | CUCM server's priority in the | | no voice translation-rule 812 | dial peer list | | | | | no voice translation-rule 802 | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | | | peer number we use to generate | | no dial-peer voice 8 VoIP | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | | the first dial peer, and | | no voice class e164-pattern-map 4007 | increase by 1 for the next one. | | application | | | no service dsapp | | | no sip-ua | | | voice service VoIP | | | no allow-connections sip to sip | | | end | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +==============================================================+==================================+===============+ | **HcsDeleteSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT** Triggers IOS Commands for | | | | each Dial Peer when A SIP Local Gateway is deleted. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | | | Country Code based on the | | | | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | | | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | | the Country's national trunk | | | | access prefix based on the | | | | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | | | | | :: | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | | the Country's international | | | conf t | access prefix based on the | One command | | no dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP | Country field configured on this | set is | | | SIP Local GW | generated per | | end | | dial peer. | | | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | | | | Server's IP or hostname for dial | | | | peer | | | | | | | | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | | | | CUCM server's priority in the | | | | dial peer list | | | | | | | | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | | | | peer number we use to generate | | | | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | | | the first dial peer, and | | | | increase by 1 for the next one. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +=================================================================+==================================+===============+ | **HcsUpdateSipLocalGw1EVT** Triggers IOS Commands when A SIP | | | | Local Gateway is updated. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | | | Country Code based on the | | | | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | | | Removes | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | configuration | | | the Country's national trunk | related to | | | access prefix based on the | previous dial | | | Country field configured on this | peer. One set | | | SIP Local GW | of commands | | :: | | per dial | | | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | peer. | | conf t | the Country's international | Note: | | | access prefix based on the | | | no dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP | Country field configured on this | If \"Enable | | | SIP Local GW | Command | | end | | Builder\" is | | | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | updated from | | | Server's IP or hostname for dial | False to | | | peer | True, IOS | | | | commands will | | | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | be | | | CUCM server's priority in the | regenerated | | | dial peer list | for the SIP | | | | Local | | | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | Gateway. | | | peer number we use to generate | | | | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | | | the first dial peer, and | | | | increase by 1 for the next one. | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +====================================================================+==================================+===============+ | **HcsUpdateSipLocalGw2EVT** Triggers IOS Commands when A SIP | | | | Local Gateway is updated. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ | | | | | :: | | | | | | | | conf t | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - returns the | | | | Country Code based on the | | | dial-peer voice {{pwf.DIALPEER}} VoIP | Country field configured on this | | | | SIP Local GW | | | translation-profile outgoing VOIPOUT80 | | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - returns | | | {{pwf.PREFERENCE}} | the Country's national trunk | | | | access prefix based on the | | | voice-class codec 1 | Country field configured on this | Adds | | | SIP Local GW | configuration | | service dsapp | | related to | | | pwf.INTLACCESSPREFIX - returns | new dial | | voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 120 down-interval | the Country's international | peer. One set | | 60 retry 2 | access prefix based on the | of commands | | | Country field configured on this | per dial | | session target {{pwf.PBXIP}} | SIP Local GW | peer. Event | | | | is triggered | | destination e164-pattern-map 4007 | pwf.PBXIP - returns the CUCM | only if the | | | Server's IP or hostname for dial | SIP Trunk | | session protocol sipv2 | peer | information | | | | has been | | modem passthrough nse codec g711ulaw | pwf.PREFERENCE - returns the | updated. | | | CUCM server's priority in the | | | dtmf-relay rtp-nte | dial peer list | | | | | | | fax rate 14400 | pwf.DIALPEER - returns the dial | | | | peer number we use to generate | | | no vad | dial peer. It starts from 4 for | | | | the first dial peer, and | | | end | increase by 1 for the next one. | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +======================================================================+=================================+===============+ | **HcsSipLocalGwAddSiteAreaCodeEVT** Triggers IOS commands for | | | | Area Code when a SIP Local Gateway is associated with a Site. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+ | | | | | :: | | | | | | | | conf t | {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} and | | | | {{pwf.NATCODE}} are sequence | | | voice translation-rule 9021 | numbers and area codes that is | The workflow | | | substituted by workflow during | for this | | rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} /^901{{pwf.NATCODE}}\\(.*\\)// | runtime | event | | {{pwf.NATCODEFORLOCALDIALING}}\\1/ type any subscriber | | generates IOS | | | {{pwf.NATCODEFOR LOCALDIALING}} | Commands for | | voice translation-rule 9022 | is the Area Code if the | each Area | | | administrator selected the | Code defined | | rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} | \"Area Code Used for Local | for the | | /^901{{pwf.NATCODE}}\\ (.*\\)//{{pwf.NATCODEFORLOCALDIALING}}\\1/ | Dialing\" option when deploying | associated | | type any unknown | the site dial plan. If this | Site. | | | option was not selected, this | | | end | variable has no value. | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{8cm}|p{4cm}|p{3cm}| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | Notes | +===================================================================+================================+===============+ | **HcsSipLocalGwDelSiteAreaCodeEVT** Triggers IOS commands for | | | | Area Code when a SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from Site. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ | | | The workflow | | | | for this | | | | event | | | | generates IOS | | :: | | Commands for | | | | each Area | | conf t | | Code defined | | | | for the | | no voice translation-rule 9021 | | disassociated | | | | Site. | | no rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} | | | | | | If Area Codes | | end | {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} is | are shared | | | substituted as sequence number | across | | conf t | by workflow during run time | multiple | | | | sites and | | no voice translation-rule 9022 | | associated | | | | with the same | | no rule {{pwf.RULENUMBER}} | | gateway, the | | | | commands are | | end | | generated | | | | only when the | | | | gateway is | | | | disassociated | | | | from the last | | | | site that | | | | shares the | | | | Area Code. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +====================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsSipLocalGwAddSitePstnEVT** Triggers IOS commands for PSTN | | | when a SIP Local Gateway is associated with a Site. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | voice translation-rule 9111 | | | rule 3 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type | | | subscriber unknown | | | | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | rule 4 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type unknown | breakout associated with the | | unknown | country associated with the site | | voice translation-rule 9112 | | | rule 3 /^\\(.*\\)/ /{{pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX}}\\\\1/ type unknown | | | unknown | | | end | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Notes | +===================================================================+===============+ | **HcsSipLocalGwDelSitePstnEVT** Triggers IOS commands for PSTN | | | when a SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from Site. | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | | By default, | | | these | | | commands are | | | not generated | | | to avoid | | | deleting the | | :: | voice | | | translation | | conf t | rule for PSTN | | | if the | | no voice translation-rule 9111 | gateway is | | | shared by | | no rule 3 | multiple | | | sites. If you | | no rule 4 | need to | | | delete the | | no voice translation-rule 9112 | translation | | | rules for | | no rule 3 | PSTN when SIP | | | Local Gateway | | end | is | | | disassociated | | | from site, | | | clone the | | | command | | | builder | | | template and | | | set the | | | Enabled flag. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT** Triggers IOS commands for | | | SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to 1 DN) is made. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | voice translation-rule 9011 | pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the | | | directory number prefix (DN | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} | without the mask digits) | | \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type | | | any national | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | voice translation-rule 9012 | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | mask for prefix (for example if | | pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type any unknown | range is 100, then the value is | | | ..) | | voice translation-rule 802 | | | | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /\+{{ pwf.COUNTRYCODE }}{{ | prefix, country code, or mask | | pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ | digits) Note: this still | | | contains the national code (area | | voice translation-rule 9121 | code) | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{ | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ type national | Trunk Prefix for the country | | unknown | associated with the site | | | | | voice translation-rule 9122 | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | | for the country associated with | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | the site | | pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX | | | }} \\\\ 1/ type unknown unknown | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | | breakout associated with the | | voice translation-rule 712 | country associated with the site | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | pwf.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }} \\\\ ({{ pwf.RGMASK }} | appropriate rule index for | | \\\\ )/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }} \\\\ 1/ | associate/disassociate | | | | | end | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT** Triggers IOS commands for | | | SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to 1 DN) is | | | deleted. | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | voice translation-rule 9011 | | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | | | | | | end | pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the | | | directory number prefix (DN | | conf t | without the mask digits) | | | | | voice translation-rule 9012 | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | end | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | | mask for prefix (for example if | | conf t | range is 100, then the value is | | | ..) | | voice translation-rule 802 | | | | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | | prefix, country code, or mask | | end | digits) Note: this still | | | contains the national code (area | | conf t | code) | | | | | voice translation-rule 9121 | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | | Trunk Prefix for the country | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | associated with the site | | | | | end | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | | for the country associated with | | conf t | the site | | | | | voice translation-rule 9122 | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | | breakout associated with the | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | country associated with the site | | | | | end | pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | | appropriate rule index for | | conf t | associate/disassociate | | | | | voice translation-rule 712 | | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | | | end | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +======================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT** Triggers IOS | | | commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to N | | | DN) is made. | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | pwf.DN - Contains the directory | | :: | number | | | | | conf t | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | voice translation-rule 9011 | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /{{ | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | pwf.DDIPRIMARY }}/ type any national | mask for prefix (for example if | | | range is 100, then the value is | | voice translation-rule 9012 | ..) | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /{{ | pwf.DDIPRIMARY - Contains the | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPRIMARY }}/ type any unknown | primary E.164 associate with the | | | N:1 association (DDI without \+ | | voice translation-rule 802 | prefix and country code) Note: | | | this still contains the national | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DNESCAPE }}{{ pwf.DN }}/ /\+{{ | code (area code) | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE }}{{ pwf.DDIPRIMARY }}/ | | | | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | voice translation-rule 9121 | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | | prefix, country code, or mask | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/ | digits) Note: this still | | /{{ pwf.DN }}/ type national unknown | contains the national code (area | | | code) | | voice translation-rule 9122 | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | Trunk Prefix for the country | | pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/ /{{ pwf.DN }}/ type unknown | associated with the site | | unknown | | | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | voice translation-rule 712 | for the country associated with | | | the site | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}{{ pwf.RGMASK }}/ /{{ | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | pwf.DN }}/ | breakout associated with the | | | country associated with the site | | end | | | | pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | | appropriate rule index for | | | associate/disassociate | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +====================================================================+==================================+ | **HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT** Triggers IOS | | | commands for SIP Local Gateway when an E164 Association (N to N | | | DN) is deleted. | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | :: | | | | | | conf t | | | | | | voice translation-rule 9011 | | | | pwf.DN - Contains the directory | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | number | | | | | end | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | conf t | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | voice translation-rule 9012 | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | | mask for prefix (for example if | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | range is 100, then the value is | | | ..) | | end | | | | pwf.DDIPRIMARY - Contains the | | conf t | primary E.164 associate with the | | | N:1 association (DDI without \+ | | voice translation-rule 802 | prefix and country code) Note: | | | this still contains the national | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | code (area code) | | | | | end | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | conf t | prefix, country code, or mask | | | digits) Note: this still | | voice translation-rule 9121 | contains the national code (area | | | code) | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | | | | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | end | Trunk Prefix for the country | | | associated with the site | | conf t | | | | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | voice translation-rule 9122 | for the country associated with | | | the site | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | | | | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | end | breakout associated with the | | | country associated with the site | | conf t | | | | pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | voice translation-rule 712 | appropriate rule index for | | | associate/disassociate | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | | | | | | end | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +==================================================================+==================================+ | **HscSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT** Associate a Voice | | | Mail Pilot Number with a Site | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the | | | voice mail pilot number prefix | | | (without the mask digits) | | | | | | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | :: | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | | mask for prefix (for example if | | conf t | range is 100, then the value is | | | ..) | | voice translation-rule 9121 | | | | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.DDIPREFIX }}\\\\({{ | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | pwf.RGMASK }}\\\\)/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX }}\\\\1/ type national | prefix, country code, or mask | | unknown | digits) Note: this still | | | contains the national code (area | | voice translation-rule 9122 | code) | | | | | rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} /^{{ pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX }}{{ | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | pwf.DDIPREFIX }}\\\\({{ pwf.RGMASK }}\\\\)/ /{{ pwf.DNPREFIX | Trunk Prefix for the country | | }}\\\\1/ type unknown unknown | associated with the site | | | | | end | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | | for the country associated with | | | the site | | | | | | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | | breakout associated with the | | | country associated with the site | | | | | | pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | | appropriate rule index for voice | | | mail pilot association | +------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{5cm}| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Default IOS Commands | Available Variables | +=====================================================================+==================================+ | **HscSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT** Disassociate a Voice | | | Mail Pilot Number from a Site | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | pwf.DNPREFIX - Contains the | | | voice mail pilot number prefix | | | (without the mask digits) | | | | | | pwf.DNESCAPE - Contains a | | | backslash escape character if | | | the DNPREFIX contains a \+ | | | | | :: | pwf.RGMASK - Contains the range | | | mask for prefix (for example if | | conf t | range is 100, then the value is | | | ..) | | voice translation-rule 9121 | | | | pwf.DDIPREFIX - Contains the DDI | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | (E.164) prefix (DDI without \+ | | | prefix, country code, or mask | | end | digits) Note: this still | | | contains the national code (area | | conf t | code) | | | | | voice translation-rule 9122 | pwf.STDACCESSPREFIX - National | | | Trunk Prefix for the country | | no rule {{ pwf.RULENUMBER }} | associated with the site | | | | | end | pwf.COUNTRYCODE - Country Code | | | for the country associated with | | | the site | | | | | | pwf.PSTNACCESSPREFIX - PSTN | | | breakout associated with the | | | country associated with the site | | | | | | pwd.RULENUMBER - Contains the | | | appropriate rule index for voice | | | mail pilot association | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+