.. _p_lbo_and_analog_gateway_configuration_and_generated_events:

LBO and Analog Gateway Configuration and Generated Events

LBO and Analog Gateway Configuration and Corresponding Events

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{7cm}|p{8cm}|

| LBO and Analog      |                                                  |
| Gateway             | Generated LBO and Analog Gateway Events          |
| Configuration       |                                                  |
| Action              |                                                  |
| Add an IOS Device   | HcsAddIOSDeviceEVT                               |
| Delete an IOS       | HcsDeleteIOSDeviceEVT                            |
| Device              |                                                  |
| Add an Analog       | HcsAddAnalogGatewayEVT                           |
| Device              |                                                  |
| Add an Analog       | HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT                   |
| Gateway Endpoint    |                                                  |
| Add an Analog       |                                                  |
| Gateway Endpoint    | HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT                |
| Mod                 |                                                  |
| Delete an Analog    | HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEVT                        |
| Gateway             |                                                  |
| Delete an Analog    | HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT                |
| Gateway Endpoint    |                                                  |
| Delete an Analog    |                                                  |
| Gateway Endpoint    | HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT             |
| Mod                 |                                                  |
|                     | HcsAddSipLocalGwEVT                              |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsAddSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT                      |
| Add SIP Local       |                                                  |
| Gateway             | HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT or            |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT (if E164 |
|                     | Associations have been configured at the         |
|                     | customer level)                                  |
|                     | HcsDeleteSipLocalGwEVT                           |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsDeleteSipLocalGwDialPeerEVT                   |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelSitePstnEVT                      |
|                     |                                                  |
| Delete a SIP Local  | HcsSipLocalGwDelSiteAreaCodeEVT                  |
| Gateway             |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT or            |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT (if E164 |
|                     | Associations have been configured)               |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT (if      |
|                     | Voice Mail Pilot Number Association has been     |
|                     | configured)                                      |
| Update a SIP Local  | HcsUpdateSipLocalGw1EVT                          |
| Gateway             |                                                  |
|                     | HcsUpdateSipLocalGw2EVT                          |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwAddSitePstnEVT                      |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwAddSiteAreaCodeEVT                  |
|                     |                                                  |
| Associate a SIP     | HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT or            |
| Local Gateway with  | HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT (if E164 |
| a Site              | Associations have been configured)               |
|                     |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT (if      |
|                     | Voice Mail Pilot Number Association with a       |
|                     | specified E164 Number has been configured on the |
|                     | site)                                            |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{7cm}|p{8cm}|

| LBO and Analog      |                                                  |
| Gateway             | Generated LBO and Analog Gateway Events          |
| Configuration       |                                                  |
| Action              |                                                  |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelSitePstnEVT                      |
|                     |                                                  |
| Disassociate a SIP  | HcsSipLocalGwDelSiteAreaCodeEVT                  |
| Local Gateway from  |                                                  |
| a Site              | HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT or            |
|                     | HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT (if E164 |
|                     | Associations have been configured)               |
| Associate E164      | HcsSipLocalGwAddMultiE164AssociationEVT (if a    |
| Numbers to a Single | site is associated with SIP Local Gateway)       |
| DN                  |                                                  |
| Associate E164      | HcsSipLocalGwAddE164AssociationEVT (if a site is |
| Numbers to a Range  | associated with SIP Local Gateway)               |
| of DNs              |                                                  |
| Disassociate E164   | HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT (if a    |
| Numbers from a      | site is associated with SIP Local Gateway)       |
| Single DN           |                                                  |
| Disassociate E164   | HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT (if a site is |
| Numbers from a      | associated with SIP Local Gateway)               |
| Range of DNs        |                                                  |
| Associate a Voice   | HcsSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT (if the  |
| Mail Pilot Number   | site is associated with SIP Local Gateway)       |
| to a Site           |                                                  |
| Disassociate a      | HcsSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT (if the  |
| Voice Mail Pilot    | site is associated with SIP Local Gateway)       |
| Number from a Site  |                                                  |