.. _p_create_a_reseller:

Create a Reseller

.. note::

   References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if

After VOSS-4-UC installation, the hcsadmin Administrator must configure the HCM-F
device and create the Provider. Creating a reseller is optional.

In VOSS-4-UC, if the reseller name matches an OrgUnit in the SDR you can migrate
the OrgUnit as a reseller.

1. Log in as provider administrator.

   Log in with the Provider administrator's email address, which is case-sensitive.
   The hcsadmin administrator can find the Provider administrator's email address
   on the **Admins** form (default menu **User Management > Admins**)
   by clicking the Provider name.

#. On the **Resellers** form (default menu **Reseller Management > Resellers**)
   click **Add**.
#. On the **Reseller Details** tab, complete these fields:

   .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|

   | Option            | Description                                    |
   |                   | The name of the reseller. This field is        |
   |                   | mandatory.                                     |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | Note:                                          |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | Once you save the reseller, you cannot change  |
   |                   | the reseller name.                             |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | Note:                                          |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | Any spaces in the reseller name are converted  |
   | Name              | to underscores in the reseller local           |
   |                   | administrator name and email, if the **Create  |
   |                   | Local Admin** check box is selected.           |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | Note:                                          |
   |                   |                                                |
   |                   | If the Reseller Name matches the name of an    |
   |                   | OrgUnit that exists in the SDR, the **Migrate  |
   |                   | from HCM-F to VOSS-4-UC** check box is         |
   |                   | displayed.                                     |
   |                   | Click **Save** to migrate this OrgUnit to a    |
   |                   | reseller at the current hierarchy level. The   |
   |                   | fields are populated with the values found in  |
   |                   | the SDR. If you do not want to migrate the     |
   |                   | OrgUnit, enter a different Reseller Name.      |   
   | Description       | Reseller description                           |
   |                   | Reseller domain. This field is used to create  |
   |                   | an email address for the reseller default      |
   | Directory Domain  | local administrator, for example               |
   |                   | Reseller1Admin@reseller1.com. If omitted, the  |
   |                   | domain of the provider is used.                |
   | Create Local      | Controls whether a default local administrator |
   | Admin             | is created for the reseller.                   |
   |                   | The Provider role used to create a new role    |
   |                   | prefixed with the reseller name. The created   |
   | Cloned Admin Role | reseller role, shown in the **Default Admin    |
   |                   | Role** field, is assigned to the default local |
   |                   | administrator user. This field appears only if |
   |                   | the **Create Local Admin** check box is        |
   |                   | selected.                                      |
   |                   | The created reseller role that is assigned to  |
   | Default Admin     | the default local administrator. This field is |
   | Role              | read-only and appears only if the **Create     |
   |                   | Local Admin** check box is selected.           |
   |                   | The password to assign to the default local    |
   | Default Admin     | administrator. This field appears and is       |
   | Password          | mandatory only if the **Create Local Admin**   |
   |                   | check box is selected.                         |
   | Repeat Default    | Confirm the default local administrator        |
   | Admin Password    | password. This field appears and is mandatory  |
   |                   | only if the **Create Local Admin** check box   |
   |                   | is selected.                                   |

4. On the **Contact Information** tab, enter address, email, and phone information
   as appropriate.
#. Click **Save**.