.. _editing-items:

Editing Items

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-5233:
.. _20.1.1|VOSS-676|EKB-3318:

GUI Form

Where user and model permissions allow it, an item can be edited and saved 
from a GUI form:

* Displayed field names are customizable and provide tooltips according to a Field
  Display Policy for the model.
* Form GUI Rules control the default field availability and pre-populated values.
* When a form is opened, form details are initially rendered using cached data.
  While loading the non-cached data, the **Save** button on the button bar is 
  unavailable, and replaced by a 'spinning wheel'. Once the non-cached data has
  been loaded, the 'spinning wheel disappears and is replaced by the **Save** button.
* A form may also provide an on-line help icon to guide a user in editing it.

JSON Editor

.. note::

   This feature is not available on the Legacy Admin Portal.

If a high level administrator has enabled the **Json Editor** permission in a user's
Access Profile (see: :ref:`access-profile-operations`), then **JSON Edit** button shows on the button bar |JSON-edit-icon|.

Click this button to open the pop-up JSON editor with the JSON format of the item.
The item data can then be edited and saved in the editor using the **Update** button.
The changes will update the data on the GUI input form, which can then be saved.


.. |JSON-edit-icon| image:: /src/images/JSON-edit-icon.png
.. |JSON-editor| image:: /src/images/JSON-editor.png