Network Device List Selection Rules Advanced Configuration

NDL popups are controlled by GUI Rules at hierarchy levels for model
types. The device selection given GUI Rules, NDLs, NDLRs and Device
Selection Rules are shown in this table.

| GUI Rule | NDL(s) | NDLR | Use   | Use  | Expected Result             |
|          |        |      | Popup | NDLR |                             |
| N        | N      | N    | *     | *    | Normal Device selection     |
| N        | Y      | N    | *     | *    | Normal Device selection     |
| N        | Y      | Y    | *     | *    | NDLR is used as target      |
|          |        |      |       |      | device                      |
|          |        |      |       |      | Normal Device selection and |
| Y        | Y      | N    | N     | N    | override with NDF in        |
|          |        |      |       |      | workflows                   |
| Y        | Y      | Y    | Y     | N    | Pop up list of NDLs         |
| Y        | Y      | Y    | Y     | Y    | Pop up list with NDLR as    |
|          |        |      |       |      | only option                 |
| Y        | Y      | N    | Y     | Y    | Pop up an empty list with   |
|          |        |      |       |      | NDLR missing message        |
|          |        |      |       |      | Normal Device selection and |
| Y        | N      | N    | N     | N    | override with NDF in        |
|          |        |      |       |      | workflows                   |
| Y        | Y      | Y    | N     | N    | NDLR is used as target      |
|          |        |      |       |      | device                      |
| Y        | Y      | Y    | N     | Y    | NDLR is used as target      |
|          |        |      |       |      | device                      |
| Y        | Y      | N    | Y     | N    | Pop up list of NDLs (Most   |
|          |        |      |       |      | popular option)             |

The Rule Model Device Selection Type model also provides this

* The NDL device meta is available to the context in Provisioning
  Workflows. For example:


    "device_meta": {
       "ndl": {
          "name": "NDL1",
          "pkid": "54dc76c82afa4327de0d218e",
          "data/CallManager": {
             "pkid": "54dc76c72afa4327de0d217f",
             "bkey": "[\"\", \"8443\", \"P.C\"]"
          "bkey": "[\"NDL1\", \"P.C\"]",
          "data/UnityConnection": {
             "pkid": "54dc76be2afa4327de0d210b",
             "bkey": "[\"\", \"443\", \"P.C\"]"

* NDL device meta namespace device_meta is available in macros as: {{
  device_meta.???}}, for example:


* The [ndl] macro is available for use in GUI Rules - similar to

* An API parameter is available for the selected NDL when a GET request
  is sent for the Add form of a Relation. The value of [ndl] in the
  example below is a valid PKID for the NDL. For example:


    GET /api/v0/relation/UswerCucmCucRel/add/?

This parameter is transformed in the subsequent Add calls to devices to a
device parameter.