.. _manage-softkey-templates:

Softkey Templates

.. index:: Feature;Softkey Templates
.. index:: Softkey Templates (Feature)

.. _19.2.1|VOSS-629:


Softkey templates manage softkeys that are used by the Cisco Unified CM IP Phones,
for example 7970. There are two types of softkey templates:

* standard
* customized

VOSS-4-UC includes the following Unified CM system softkey templates, which cannot
be modified or deleted:
* Cisco Assistant with Feature Hardkeys	
* Cisco Chaperone Phone with Feature Hardkeys	
* Cisco Feature with Feature Hardkeys Standard 
* Cisco Manager with Feature Hardkeys Standard 
* Cisco Protected Phone with Feature Hardkeys	
* Cisco Shared Mode Manager with Feature Hardkeys	
* Cisco User with Feature Hardkeys	
* Personal Conference User	
* Public Conference User	
* Standard User

A reseller administrator (or higher) can create customized softkey templates from
the standard templates, make modifications as required and save them at the
required hierarchy level, i.e. customer or higher.

How to Manage Customized Softkey Templates and Related Softkey Layout Configurations

.. note::

    The following device models need to be imported from Unified CM post upgrade before Softkey  
    Templates can be managed.                                                                    
    This can be done by either performing a full import of Unified CM                            
    or using the "CUCM Softkey Templates" Model Type List which is available from Release 19.3.1.
    See: :ref:`controlling_a_data_sync_with_a_model_type_list`.

1. Browse to the required hierarchy.
#. Click **Add** to add a new customized softkey template.
#. From the **Create a softkey template based on** drop-down, choose an existing
   softkey template on which to base the customized template.
#. Enter a unique **Name** and **Description** for the customized template. The
   description can be a maximum of 50 characters but cannot include ", %, &, \ <, or >.
#. Select or clear the **Is Default** check box. If selected, this softkey template
   becomes the default standard softkey template. 
#. Click **Save** to save the customized softkey template and simultaneously add
   it to the **Softkey Template** list view.
#. Select the newly created softkey template and configure the required softkey
   layout by modifying the designated softkeys for each call state.

   a. CUCM baseline softkey templates cannot be updated.  Any change to such a template will result in a failed transaction.
   b. Some of the selected softkeys of the different call state are mandatory and cannot be removed
      from the CUCM standard set of templates.  For example, template Standard User-Custom, 
      Call State – On Hook, Softkey – NewCall. 

   When a mandatory softkey is deleted, the transaction will be successful but the softkey will
   not be removed -  when opening the template again it will still be there. 

#. Click **Save** when complete.

.. note::

   To modify a customized softkey template, select it from the **Softkey Template**
   list view and update as described in the above procedure.
   Before deleting a softkey template, which has been marked as **Is Default**,
   a different softkey template must first be set as **Is Default**.