.. _macros-in-voss4uc:

Macros in VOSS-4-UC

Macros can be used in VOSS-4-UC to dynamically add site IDs, customer IDs, and
other types of information when customizing dial plan schemas and Class of Service.
Macros increase ease of use and reduce error.

Macros are evaluated within the context of a particular hierarchy node based on
the scope specified in the schema group binding (for example, site, customer, provider).

The correct syntax for a macro is the word "macro" followed by a period (.),
followed by the Named Macro as shown in the table that follows. Add double curly
brackets ({{ }}) around the entire macro combination. For example,
{{ macro.HcsDpCustomerName }} is the macro combination created using the first
Named Macro in the table. Note that there are no spaces in a named macro.

This table provides a list of Named Macros currently available. This list will be
expanded as new macros become available.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}|

| Named Macro                         | Description                                     |
| HcsDpCustomerName                   | Name of the customer (as specified when you     |
|                                     | create your customer)                           |
| HcsDpCustomerId                     | Systemwide, unique internal customer ID         |
|                                     | generated when you create a customer            |
| HcsDpSiteName                       | Name of the site (as specified when you create  |
|                                     | a site under a customer)                        |
| HcsDpSiteId                         | Systemwide, unique internal site ID generated   |
|                                     | when you create a site                          |
| HcsDpUniqueCustomer PrefixMCR       | Default unique Cisco HCS customer prefix in the |
|                                     | form 'Cu{{ macro.HcsDpCustomerId }}'            |
| HcsDpUniqueSite PrefixMCR           | Default unique HCS site prefix in the form      |
|                                     | 'Cu{{ macro.HcsDpCustomerId }}Si                |
|                                     | {{ macro.HcsDpSiteId }}'                        |
| HcsDpSiteCountryMCR                 | Returns the country associated with a specific  |
|                                     | site                                            |
| HcsDpSiteCountryIso                 | Returns the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 three-letter     |
|                                     | country code associated with the country that   |
|                                     | is associated with a specific site              |
| HcsDpPstnBreakout                   | Returns the PSTN prefix digit for the country   |
|                                     | that is associated with a specific site         |
| HcsDpSiteAreaCode InLocalDialingMCR | Returns True if a specific site requires area   |
|                                     | code for local PSTN dialing                     |  
| HcsDpSiteNatTrunk PrefixMCR         | Return the national trunk prefix associated to  |
|                                     | a particular site                               |
| HcsDpDefaultSite DevicePoolMCR      | Default Cisco HCS site device pool Cisco        |
|                                     | Unified Communications Manager element name     |
| HcsDpDefaultSite LocationMCR        | Default Cisco HCS site location Cisco Unified   |
|                                     | Communications Manager element name             |
| HcsDpDefaultSite RegionMCR          | Default Cisco HCS site region Cisco Unified     |
|                                     | Communications Manager element name             |

The following macros can be used to loop through the area codes specific for a
particular site when adding translation patterns:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}|
| Named Macro                         | Description                                     |
| HcsDpSiteAreaCodeMCR                | Returns list of area codes associated with a    |
|                                     | specific site                                   |
| HcsDpSiteAreaCode Item_AreaCodeMCR  | Return the area code attribute from the area    |
|                                     | code list item                                  |
| HcsDpSiteAreaCode Item_LocLenMCR    | Return the local number length attribute from   |
|                                     | the area code list item                         |

.. rubric:: Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Macro Evaluate Function in the Advanced Configuration Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="reference-macro-functions.html">Macro Evaluate Function</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Create an Evaluation Macro in the Advanced Configuration Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="tasks-create-an-evaluation-macro.html">Create an Evaluation Macro</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Macro Evaluator in the Advanced Configuration Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="tasks-macro-evaluator.html">Macro Evaluator</a>