.. _ldap_sync_actions:

LDAP Sync Actions

LDAP Sync Action enables you to perform bulk syncing for users from multiple
Organization Units (OU) of any LDAP server.

.. note::

   It also allows you to select the required OUs of a single LDAP server, and
   perform the users sync only from the selected OUs.
1. Log in as a provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
#. Choose **Device Management > Advanced > LDAP Sync Actions**.
#. Choose the required sync action from **Action** drop-down list.

   * Choose **Import** for bulk syncing of users from multiple Organization Units.
   * Choose **EnableScheduleSync** to enable syncing for already LDAP scheduled
   * Choose **DisableScheduleSync** to disable syncing for already LDAP scheduled

#. Choose the required LDAP Server from the **Available** area, and click **Select**.
   The selected LDAP Server appears in the **Selected** area.
#. Click **Save**.
#. Click **Move Up** or **Move Down** to alter the order of user syncing action
   for LDAP Server.