.. _extension-mobility-intro:

Extension Mobility

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-687|EKB-4500:

Extension Mobility (EM) profiles, often referred to as roaming profiles, enable
a user to log onto a phone in another location and the phone automatically adopts
the profile for that user. An EM profile is required for users who move between
locations on a regular basis, or for users in an organization or location, who
have been assigned an extension mobility profile rather than a permanent phone.

VOSS-4-UC provides three ways to create, manage and associate extension mobility

* when adding a subcriber using the add Subscriber workflow - see :ref:`add_subscribers`
  (**Extension Mobility** tab).
* when adding a subscriber using Quick Add Subsciber - see under Quick Add Subscriber: Overview
* when adding a standalone Extension Mobility - see :ref:`standalone-extension-mobility`.