Disassociate a SIP Local Gateway from a Site

This procedure disassociates a SIP Local Gateway from a site.

.. note::

   Prior to VOSS-4-UC, IOS commands generated at a site were lost when the site
   was deleted.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Choose **Site Management > Associate SIP Local Gateway**.
3. Select the check box next to the SIP Local Gateway you want to disassociate,
   then click **Delete**.

   * The SIP Local Gateway association is removed from the **Associate SIP
     Local Gateway** list view.
   * The HcsSipLocalGwDelSitePstnEVT event is generated. If enabled, the
     IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with
     the event.
   * For each Area Code defined on the site's dial plan, the
     HcsSipLocalGwDelSiteAreaCodeEVT event is generated. If enabled, the
     IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with
     the event. If Area Codes are shared across multiple sites and
     associated with the same gateway, the commands are generated only when
     the gateway is disassociated from the last site that shares the Area
   * If the site has an existing E.164 to DN Association, either the
     HcsSipLocalGwDelE164AssociationEVT (for N to N) or
     HcsSipLocalGwDelMultiE164AssociationEVT (for N to 1) event is
     generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default
     IOS commands associated with the event.
   * If the site has an existing Voice Mail Pilot Number Association, the
     HcsSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT event is generated. If
     enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands
     associated with the event.
   * If the Dial Plan Schema Group that is associated with the customer
     dial plan has the unassociateLboGateway custom workflow provisioned,
     the unassociateLboGateway custom workflow is executed.

.. note::

   When a SIP Local Gateway is disassociated from a site because the
   site is deleted, IOS commands are copied from the site to the customer
   level before the site is deleted. Select **Device Management > IOS >
   Commands** to view the copied IOS commands.