.. _cisco_unified_communications_manager_configuration_for_self-provisioning:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Configuration for Self-Provisioning

To use self-provisioning, regardless of whether top-down or bottom-up user
management is used, you must complete these one-time configuration tasks
on Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

* Ensure that the Cisco CallManager, Cisco CTIManager, and Self-Provisioning IVR
  services are activated
* Configure Auto Registration
* Create one partition and calling search space unique for self-provisioning
* Configure an Application User and credentials so the system can connect to the
  IVR self-provisioning service
* Configure a CTI Route Point (provides the number that users dial to connect to
  the IVR)
* Configure Self-Provisioning with the Application User and CTI Route Point

Refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for details.