.. _view_the_hierarchy:

View the Hierarchy

An administrator can view the portion of the hierarchy they have access to. 

* A provider administrator can view the complete hierarchy.

* A customer administrator can view the customer, any intermediate nodes 
  beneath the customer, and customer sites.

.. rubric:: View, sort, and search the hierarchy

* You can view the hierarchy on the relevant hierarchy list view. Hierarchy nodes visible to 
  the administrator display in a table: 

  .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}| 

  | Field               | Description                             |
  | Name                | Node name                               |
  | Description         | Node description                        |
  | Hierarchy Node Type | Either Provider, Reseller, Customer, or |
  |                     | Site. Blank for an intermediate node.   |
  | Located At          | The node location in the hierarchy, in  |
  |                     | dot notation.                           |

* To view a subset of the visible hierarchy, adjust the hierarchy path. For example, 
  if a provider administrator sets the path to point to a particular customer, they 
  can see only the hierarchy nodes for that customer.
* To sort hierarchy nodes, click on the field headers.

* To search hierarchy nodes, click the search icon on the field headers.

.. rubric:: See also

.. raw:: latex

   Navigating the Hierarchy in the Core Feature Guide

.. raw:: html
     &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="concepts-navigating-the-hierarchy.html">Navigating the Hierarchy</a>