.. _create_an_entitlement_profile: .. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand Create an Entitlement Profile ------------------------------ Entitlement Profiles are used to define the services and devices a user is entitled to. Assign an entitlement profile to a user when you: * Sync the user into VOSS-4-UC from LDAP. * Sync the user into VOSS-4-UC from Cisco Unified Communications Manager. * Create or modify the user in VOSS-4-UC using Subscriber Management or User Management. .. note:: The Maximum Number of Devices and Maximum Number of Devices in a Group are limitations for each individual user, not for all users in the system. **Prerequisites**: * Define an Entitlement Catalog at or above the hierarchy node where you create an entitlement profile (see :ref:`create_an_entitlement_catalog`). The Entitlement Catalog restricts the service and devices that can be entitled in the Entitlement Profile. An Entitlement Profile can further restrict services and devices a user is entitled to. However, it cannot expand the services and devices beyond the restrictions defined in the Entitlement Catalog. .. note:: The animation shows how to create an entitlement catalog *and* an entitlement profile. An entitlement catalog must exist at or above the hierarchy level at which you want to create the entitlement profile. |webex-teams-entitlement| **To create an entitlement profile**: 1. Log in as provider administrator. #. Set the hierarchy path to the location where you want to create the Entitlement Profile. #. Choose **Entitlement > Profiles**. #. Click **Add**. #. On the **Profiles** screen, complete at minimum, the mandatory **Entitlement Profiles** fields. #. Click the Plus sign (+) adjacent to **Device Groups** to add more device groups to the Entitlement Profile, if required. #. Click **Save**. The Entitlement Profile is defined and can be assigned to users. .. _entitlement_profile_fields: Entitlement Profiles Field Descriptions ........................................ * :ref:`UCCX-Feature-Reference` .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}| +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +=====================+==========================================================+ | Name \* | Entitlement Profile name. This field is | | | mandatory. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Description | An optional description of the entitlement | | | Profile | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | | Select this check box to make this Entitlement Profile | | | the default for the hierarchy node. Any | | Default Profile | previously designated User Entitlement | | | Profile automatically has this check box cleared. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Voice | Select this check box to entitle voice services. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Voicemail | Select this check box to entitle voicemail services. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Presence | Select this check box to entitle presence services. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Extension Mobility | Select this check box to entitle Extension Mobility | | | services. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Single Number Reach | Select this check box to entitle Single Number Reach | | | service. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Conferencing | Select this check box to add conferencing services | | | to the profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Collaboration | Select this check box to add collaboration services to | | | the profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Contact Center | Select this check box to add the Contact Center service | | | to the profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | FMC | Adds Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) to the profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | | Specify the maximum number of devices | | | allowable for the Entitlement Profile. This | | Maximum Number of | field is mandatory. | | Devices \* | | | | The maximum number cannot exceed the total | | | of the maximums for the entire device group | | | included in the Entitlement Profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | | Choose a Device Group to include in the | | Device Group \* | Entitlement Profile. This field is | | | mandatory. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | | For the selected device group, specify the | | | maximum number of devices allowed. This | | Maximum Number of | field is mandatory. | | Devices in Group \* | | | | The maximum number for any device group | | | cannot exceed the maximum number of devices | | | for the profile. | +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ .. |webex-teams-entitlement| image:: /src/images/webex-teams-entitlement.gif