.. _voss-assurance-arbitrators: Voss Assurance Arbitrators -------------------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-842: .. rubric:: Prerequisites The management of arbitrators in VOSS-4-UC require: * the arbitrators to be set up * the host connection details and credentials: admin user and password from the arbitrator Refer to the VAA documentation for arbitrator setup. Adding an arbitrator to VOSS-4-UC ..................................... These steps integrate the arbitrator with VOSS-4-UC by entering its connection details. When integrated, the arbitrator is available to onboard and offboard assets that are added or are available in VOSS-4-UC. 1. Choose the **VOSS Assurance > Arbitrator** menu. This sets the hierarchy at the provider level. 2. Complete the form: * **Server Name**: descriptive name of the arbitrator in VOSS-4-UC - note the naming convention restrictions * **Description**: an optional description * **Host Name**: used to connect to the arbitrator * **User Name**: credentials to log in on the arbitrator host: the admin account * **Password**: credentials to log in on the arbitrator host: the admin account * **Repeat Password**: credentials to log in on the arbitrator host * **Data Center**: a free text field used as the location address when arbitrator assets are created. If the **Sync on Create/Update** check box is selected, the arbitrator server (according to **Host Name**) data from the arbitrator is synced onto VOSS-4-UC (pull sync). 3. Click **Save**. * A data sync instance is created: ``SyncAssuranceArbitrator__<arbitrator-name>`` * A data sync instance is created: ``PurgeAssuranceArbitrator__<arbitrator-name>`` * A test connection is automatically carried out when saving the arbitrator details and it can also be used to manually verify input details and connection to the arbitrator host by using the **Action** menu. * The list of arbitrators are displayed on the **Arbitrator** menu list view. .. rubric:: Next Steps Unified CM and Unity Connection servers can now be enabled or disabled for monitoring. .. rubric:: Related Topics * :ref:`concepts-onboard-voss-assurance-assets` * :ref:`concepts-offboard-voss-assurance-assets` Removing an arbitrator ...................... An arbitrator can be removed from the list of arbitrators under the **VOSS Assurance** menu. * Select the arbitrator and choose **Delete**. * The arbitrator is removed from VOSS-4-UC. * Integration is removed. The arbitrator is removed from VOSS-4-UC app servers (Unified CM, Unity Connection) * On the **Monitoring** group of the UC app server publisher form, the **Assurance Arbitrator** check box is removed. * Created pull/purge data syncs on VOSS-4-UC are removed.