.. _user_phone_associate_tool:

User Phone Associate Tool

.. _19.3.1|VOSS-642:

VOSS-4-UC uses the associated or controlled devices value on the Unified CM
user (Subscriber in VOSS-4-UC) to determine which phones are associated
to that Subscriber.

This User Phone Associate tool will ensure that Unified CM
phones in the system with the ownerID value set, are correctly associated to
the Unified CM user (Subscriber) for correct association in VOSS-4-UC. 

A common situation where this might be the case is in the event of phones
synced in from an existing environment for Overbuild - where the ownerID
on the phones were set, but were not associated from the Unified CM User perspective.
The symptom to look for is when you do not see the phones under the Subscriber
view, but that you think they are owned by the user - an indication
that this tool needs to be run to correct the association.

.. note::

   When adding phones and subscribers from *within* VOSS-4-UC, the phone-user relationship
   is bi-directional.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Navigate to the hierarchy of the Unified CM and choose it from the **CUCM** dropdown list.

   The **Number of Phones that will be checked** value that is displayed is the number of phones
   on the Unified CM at the hierarchy that have been synced in to VOSS-4-UC and have an ownerID set,
   but cannot be found to be an associated device of any subscriber at the hierarchy or lower.
#. Click **Save** to run the tool. Subscribers will be searched on VOSS-4-UC that match the ownerID
   and if found, their associated devices will be updated with the phone.

If the tool is now re-run for the selected Unified CM and any of the checked phones were set as associated
devices, the **Number of Phones that will be checked** value will decrease accordingly.

.. note::

   If a subscriber already has other associated devices, any new associated devices will be appended 
   to the existing list.