.. _user-move-for-microsoft:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Microsoft User Move Configuration

.. _21.1|VOSS-847:

This topic provides a worfklow overview for moving Microsoft users to the sites once the 
Microsoft tenant has been added and a full pull sync has been performed. The sync imports the tenant 
dialplan, policies, licenses, and Microsoft users to the customer level. Now users must be 
provisioned and moved to the appropriate sites. 

* :ref:`concepts-ms-configuration`
* :ref:`VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft`

The flowchart sets out the steps to move Microsoft users to the sites after an initial sync to move users to 
the customer level:   

.. include:: microsoft-user-move-configuration.uml

Related Topics

* :ref:`microsoft-overview`
* :ref:`sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft`