.. _user-authentication-methods:

User Authentication Methods

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-551|EKB-7380:

VOSS-4-UC supports the following authentication modes for accessing the system (for administrators and 
end users):

* Local authentication
* LDAP Authentication
* Single-Sign-on (SSO)

The user's setup determines the type of authentication required to access the system. 

The table describes the **Auth Method** settings that determine the authentication method:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}|

| Auth Method   | Description                                                                       |
| Automatic     | The system setup determines the authentication method, for example, the presence  |
|               | and viability of LDAP servers, SSO IdPs, and so on.                               |
|               | The scope, user type, and Auth Enabled settings on the server determines          |
|               | viability:                                                                        |
|               |                                                                                   |
|               |  * If a viable IdP server is detected, authentication defaults to SSO. Since this | 
|               |    requires using the special SSO Login URL, login from the VOSS-4-UC login page  |
|               |    will fail.                                                                     |
|               |  * If viable LDAP servers are found, authentication is attempted against each     |
|               |    server until one is successful or all fail.                                    |
|               |  * If neither of these external servers are found (IdP or LDAP), local            |
|               |    authentication occurs.                                                         |
|               |                                                                                   |
|               | Authentication is performed in order of preference, in the user's hierarchy, or   | 
|               | above:                                                                            |
|               |                                                                                   |
|               | #. Local user *only if* no LDAP, SSO IdP, in this hierarchy or above              |
|               | #. LDAP server                                                                    |
|               | #. SSO identity provider (IdP)                                                    |
| Local         | User authentication is based on the password defined and stored locally in        |
|               | VOSS-4-UC. The VOSS-4-UC credential policy is fully utilized in this method and   |
|               | defines the rules for the password (complexity, aging, etc), as well as further   |
|               | limits on session length, and so on.                                              |
|               | Local authentication can be done using username or email address.                 |
|               | Local authentication is blocked if there are external authentication servers      | 
|               | higher in the path. Currently these are SSO IdP and LDAP servers.                 |
|               | If these are found and are viable authentication servers, in terms of the         |
|               | server's scope, user type and Authentication Enabled settings, then local         |
|               | authentication is bypassed.                                                       |
| LDAP          | The authentication method is LDAP authentication.                                 |
|               | Additional details can be provided to tie the user to a specific LDAP server or   |
|               | an alternate username can match to the one in LDAP (default is the VOSS-4-UC      |
|               | username).                                                                        |
|               | When using LDAP Authentication, the password rules that are a part of the         |
|               | credential policy in VOSS-4-UC do not apply, since the password is managed in     |
|               | the LDAP directory.                                                               |
|               | Other credential policy rules, such as session length, are however applied,       |
|               | since these are managed by VOSS-4-UC.                                             |
| SSO           | The authentication method is Single Sign-on (SSO).                                |
|               | Additional details can be provided to tie the user to a specific SSO IdP server   |
|               | or alternate username can match to the one in the IdP (default is the VOSS-4-UC   |
|               | username).                                                                        |
|               | The VOSS-4-UC credential policy is irrelevant, since password rules, session      |
|               | length, and so on are all managed by the IdP outside of VOSS-4UC.                 |
|               | Single Sign-on support is for authentication only. It does not use authorization  |
|               | capabilities that are possible via SAML to control the user's permissions         |
|               | *within* the application.                                                         |
|               | No logout is supported when using SSO (single sign-out); that is, VOSS-4-UC       |
|               | will not initiate the termination of a session with the IdP (the VOSS session     |
|               | remains active as long as there is an active IdP session.                         |
|               |                                                                                   |

For SSO, see also :ref:`sso-overview`.

.. _authentication-method-setting-rules:

Authentication Method Setting Rules

When adding or modifying users, the user's Authentication Method is based on the 
**User Default Auth Method** setting in the system Global Settings, as well as on the rules 
outlined in the table below:  

  .. raw:: latex
     For details on these Global Settings, refer to the "Global Settings" topic in the Advanced Configuration Guide.
  .. raw:: html
     <p>See: <a href="concepts-global-settings.html">Global Settings</a>.</p>

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}|

| Action                           | Auth Method Setting Rule                                      |
| Add user from GUI                |  GUI default to Global Setting, but can be changed.           |
| Modify user from GUI             |  GUI default to current user Auth Method, but can be changed. |
| LDAP Add user sync               |  Automatic                                                    |
| LDAP modify user sync            |  Leave setting as is.                                         |
| Unified CM add user              |  Apply setting from Global Settings.                          |
| Unified CM modify user           |  Leave setting as is.                                         |
| Quick Add Subscriber add user    |  Apply setting from Global Settings.                          |
| Quick Add Subscriber modify user |  Leave setting as is.                                         |