.. _sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft: .. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand Sync with Flow Through ----------------------- .. _21.1|VOSS-847: When using sync with flow through provisioning for Microsoft users, you will need to configure several settings in VOSS-4-UC (including flow through provisioning criteria) before the initial sync from the Microsoft Cloud. This allows VOSS-4-UC to apply the correct configuration, licenses, policies, and services to imported users, and to move users to sites. Once you run the sync, the tenant dialplans, policies, and licenses are imported to the customer level, while users are imported, provisioned, licensed, and moved to the correct sites, as subscribers. The flowchart sets out the sync with flow through of Microsoft user and services. **Prerequisites**: * .. raw:: latex Microsoft Configuration in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="concepts-ms-configuration.html">Microsoft Configuration</a> * .. raw:: latex VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="concepts-VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft.html">VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync</a> .. include:: sync-with-flow-through.uml Related Topics ............... * .. raw:: latex Microsoft Overview in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html <a href="concepts-microsoft-overview.html">Microsoft Overview</a>