.. _smart_add_phone_overview:

Smart Add Phone: Overview

.. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|EKB-790:

The Smart Add Phone feature provides an easy way to add a phone
*only to a site hierarchy node* by selecting the Phone Template that matches
the required Phone Product. This selected Phone Template then also adds
associated default attribute values. Optionally, you can also choose to add one
or more lines and a non-default Phone Button Template for the phone. 

When a phone is added using the Smart Add Phone feature, the phone details
that were added by the phone template can be seen and modified if needed
by selecting the phone from **Subscriber Management > Phones**.

If you need a customized Phone Template, the default template can be cloned,
renamed and modified from **Customizations > Configuration Templates**. This
customization is then available in the **Phone Template** drop-down of the Smart
Add Phone feature.

The line defaults are obtained from the Site Defaults doc for the site.
The Default CUCM Line Partition must be set as the partition for the site.

.. note::
   A cloned, custom phone template requires further customization in order to 
   customize the line settings when it is used with the Smart Add Phone feature.
   For details, refer to the topic on
   Custom Line Settings for Smart Add Phone Configuration Template in the 
   Advanced Configuration Guide.