Phone Type Management

After you make changes to any phone model specific data in Unified CM,
for example by loading a new BAT file, editing phone button templates, security profiles, and so on,
then in order to utilize that data in VOSS-4-UC, you need to do a sync of the Unified CM.

Include the following models in the data sync - depending on what you changed:

* ``device/cucm/PhoneType`` - should always be included.
  Note this includes the expansion modules as well as the phone types.
* ``device/cucm/PhoneButtonTemplate`` - if button templates were changed
* ``device/cucm/PhoneSecurityProfile`` - if phone security profiles were modified

If you do a full sync or full import this will make the changes available in VOSS-4-UC.
However, between full syncs, it is best practice to create a sync setup with
a model type list that includes the above model types. This allows you to run an
ad-hoc sync with a very limited scope as needed - if changes
are made in the Unified CM that require a sync.

If adding new phone types to the system, you may also need to edit your device groups
and entitlement profiles (if used) to have them show as options to the correct users.