.. _phone-status-export:

Phone Status Export

.. _19.3.4|VOSS-778|EKB-6877:
.. _21.1|VOSS-778|EKB-6877:
.. _19.3.4-PB1|VOSS-778|EKB-7863:
.. _21.1|VOSS-778|EKB-7863:


The Phone Status Export tool allows you to export the status of Unified CM phones
based on selected filters.

The exported phone status report can be opened from the **File Management** form
and downloaded as a ``.csv`` file. The ``.csv`` file can be opened as a spreadsheet in
Microsoft Excel, where each phone status that matches the configured filters will
appear as an individual line.

Create and View a Phone Status Report

1. Browse to the required hierarchy where you want to create the phone status report.
.. note:: 

   When running the tool from a hierarchy higher than Customer, a Call Manager filter
   is mandatory.   
2. From the **Phone Status Export** form (default menu **Subscriber Management > Status Export**):

   a. Enter the **File name prefix**.
   #. In the **Filters** section, define the required filters, namely the mandatory 
      Status and Call Manager (Customer hierarchy only) fields as well as the optional
      **Device Name**, **Directory Number** and **IP Address** fields, noting the following:
      * Status of **None** = all phones that **do not** have a registration status
        on the API will appear in the phone status report.
      * Status of **Any** =  all phones will appear in the phone status report
        regardless of the phone registration status.
      * **Device Name**, **Directory Number** and **IP Address** fields: only phones that match
        these filters are displayed in the phone status report. For example if you
        enter 'BAT' in the **Device Name** field, then only phones with a device name
        prefix starting with 'BAT' will appear in the report. The filter on **Device Name**
        text is case insensitive, for example, 'bat' in the filter will match 'BAT'.
#. Click **Save**. Once complete, the phone status report is saved under **File Management**.
#. Select the required phone status report (file-name-prefixXXXX.csv) from the
   **File Management** form (default menu **Administration Tools > File Management**)
   and click **Export** (JSON format). 
#. From the resultant ``.zip`` file, open the ``.csv`` file in Microsoft Excel.  
   The first column on the report reflects the Phone hierarchy, and subsequent columns
   provide the (Phone) Name, Status, and information such as: ``cm_node``, ``ip_address``,
   ``DirNumber``, ``DeviceClass``, ``Model``, ``Product``, and so on (depending on the selected filters).