.. _overbuild-msft: Overbuild for Microsoft -------------------------------- .. important:: It is recommended that VOSS-4-UC training and/or VOSS Services are engaged during the initial use of the feature to help ensure optimized processes and guidance. The Overbuild feature enables Provider and Reseller Administrators to integrate existing, deployed Microsoft Tenants into VOSS-4-UC without reprovisioning, unless required. In VOSS-4-UC, a Microsoft Tenant shows the combined and specific details of a MS Office 365 and MS Teams tenant. Overbuild provides tools to help the administrator manage Microsoft Tenant data synced from existing configurations. While a Microsoft Tenant does not contain such VOSS-4-UC components as a hierarchy or a subscriber, the relationship with Microsoft Tenant components makes it possible to, for example, create a VOSS-4-UC subscriber at a site hierarchy during the Overbuild process. The necessary filters can be set up and workflows, macros and brownfield move processes are available for this purpose. After overbuild is run for the first time, a schedule is created in VOSS-4-UC that can be set up to run at a selected interval. .. rubric:: Prerequisites * Refer to :ref:`user-move-for-microsoft` .. rubric:: Overbuild logic * **Users** - The synced in Microsoft Tenant user is moved to the site as mapped by the selected **MS 365 User Model Filter Criteria** dropdown of the sites Site defaults setting under **Overbuild Defaults** of sites if **Include Site for Overbuild** and **Microsoft Users** is enabled. The **Overbuild Tool** screen shows a summary of **MS 365 Users** and **MS Teams Users** .. * **Subscribers** - a MS Tenant user is can be set up for Enterprise voice using Quick Add Subscriber - see: :ref:`qas-for-ms-users`. .. rubric:: Site Defaults for Microsoft * Under **Overbuild Defaults**: * **Include Site for Overbuild** is enabled * **Microsoft Users** is enabled. * **MS 365 User Model Filter Criteria** dropdown has a required filter selected. See :ref:`model-filter-criteria`. .. rubric:: Run Overbuild 1. Go to **Overbuild > Run Overbuild** to run configure and run the overbuild. #. Choose the site. #. In a Microsoft-only environment, select only **Microsoft Users** to include in the overbuild. #. Save your changes to run the overbuild. .. note:: The overbuild imports and provisions subscribers, including number assignment (INIs). It moves assigned numbers to the number inventory, flagged with the user's name, location (customer or site), number status (**Used** when assigned, else, **Available**), and the relevant vendor (Microsoft, in this case). The number management step occurs on sync, overbuild, as well as in a number audit. You can run a number audit anytime to verify that numbers are correctly flagged as used or available (via **Number Management > Audit Number Inventory**) - see :ref:`run_the_directory_number_inventory_audit_tool`.