.. _overbuild-analog-gateway:

Overbuild Analog Gateway

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-483:


VOSS-4-UC offers management of analog gateways (FXS ports) using the SCCP and
MGCP protocols. This feature also provides an overbuild capability.

VG2XX and VG3XX models are supported providing a range of port capacities from
2 – 160 ports. VG400 (8 ports max) and VG450 (144 ports max) models are also supported.

How Does this Feature Work?

This feature is initiated via the **Overbuild Analog Gateway** form (accessed via
the default menu location **Overbuild > Overbuild Analog Gateway**).

The only required attribute is the **CUCM IP Address**, which is selected from a
drop-down list. When executing the overbuild, all MGCP and SCCP gateways are discovered.

For each gateway not already at site level, a new IOS device is created, and
the gateway and ports are moved to the site level based upon the device pool found
on the first port. The gateway can then be managed in the normal way.

.. note::

   Since the device pool associated with the first gateway port is used to identify
   the location of the gateway, a gateway with no configured ports cannot be moved.