.. _concepts-number-status-usage:

Number Status and Usage

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-651:
.. _20.1.1|EKB-6817:

Administrators can now view more accurate data as to how numbers are used at a
specific hierarchy level.

The **Status** and **Usage** columns on the enhanced **Number Inventory** form
(default menu **Number Management > Number Inventory**) are described below:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{6cm}|p{2cm}|p{3.2cm}|

| **Number Use**         | **Device**                           | **Status**   | **Usage**          |
| Not used by anything   | \-                                   | Available    | blank              |
| Phone Line [1]_        | device/cucm/Phone                    | Used         | Device             |
|                        | (line instance)                      |              |                    |
| Devide Profile Line    | device/cucm/DeviceProfile            | Used         | Device             |
|                        | (line instance)                      |              |                    |
| Remote Destination     | device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile | Used         | Device             |
| Profile Line           | (line instance)                      |              |                    |
| Hunt Pilot [1]_        | device/cucm/HuntPilot                | Used-Utility | Hunt_Pilot         |
| Pickup Group Pilot     | device/cucm/CallPickupGroup          | Used-Utility | Pickup_Group_Pilot |
| System Call Handler    | device/cuc/Callhandler (System only) | Used-Utility | Call_Handler_Pilot |
| Voicemail Pilot        | device/cucm/VoicemailPilot           | Used-Utility | Voicemail_Pilot    |
| Meet Me                | device/cucm/MeetMe                   | Used-Utility | Meet_Me            |
| CTI Route Point        | device/cucm/CtiRoutePoint            | Used-Utility | CTI_RoutePoint     |
| Call Park              | device/cucm/CallPark                 | Used-Utility | Call_Park          |
| Directed Call Park     | device/cucm/DirectedCallPark         | Used-Utility | Directed_Call_Park |
| VOSS Phone             | data/GS_Shout_MultiVendorPhone_DAT   | Used-Utility | VOSS_Phone         |
| Number in cooling [2]_ |                                      | Cooling      | \-                 |
| Number reserved [3]_   |                                      | Reserved     | \-                 |

.. rubric:: Footnotes

.. [1] If a number is used by both a Phone and Hunt Pilot then the **Usage** column
       will display both usage values, i.e. ``Device,Hunt_Pilot``. However, the
       **Status** column will display only **one** status, i.e. the status triggered
       by the most recent transaction.
.. [2] If a number is currently in **Cooling**, the release date indicates when
       the number will come out of cooling.
.. [3] If a number is currently **Reserved**, you can enter an optional **Tag**
       to identify the user for which the number is reserved. An optional **Reservation
       notes** field is also available to allow you to enter additional information
       regarding the reserved number.
Details and Usage

Selecting a specific number from the **Number Inventory** list view, opens the
details view for that number.

The **Number Details** tab shows read only details for the number, for example
Internal Number, Status, Usage, as well as editable fields such as Tag, Description,
Reservation Notes, etc.

The **Usage** tab provides links to all instances where the number is used.

.. note::

   If the same number is shared by multiple devices/services of the same type,
   using different partitions, only the first 10 instances will be displayed.