.. _number-reservation: Number Reservation ------------------ .. _20.1.1|VOSS-651: Reservation Overview .................... The Reservation feature allows numbers to be reserved for future use. Reserved numbers cannot be allocated to a device or line. The **Cooling & Reservation** list view (default menu **Number Management > Cooling & Reservation**) allows a provider administrator to manually reserve numbers at the selected hierarchy (Provider, Customer or Site) for a specified number of days. While a number is within the **Reservation duration (days)** period, it is unavailable and cannot be used by a device or line. If the **Reservation duration (days)** period is left blank, the numbers remain in the **Reserved** status. Currently reserved numbers can be unreserved manually, thereby *adding them back* to the list of available numbers. |youtube.png| `Reserve Number <https://www.youtube.com/embed/SPmfmanz-Yk>`_ .. raw:: html <br/> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SPmfmanz-Yk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br/> |youtube.png| `Manage Cooling <https://www.youtube.com/embed/5leBUWvwEio>`_ .. raw:: html <br/> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/5leBUWvwEio" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br/> Reserve numbers ............... 1. Navigate to the required hierarchy level (Provider, Customer or Site) from which you want to reserve numbers. #. On the **Cooling & Reservation** form, choose **Reserve** from the **Select action** drop-down. #. In the *Reservation duration (days)* field, enter the number days for which you want to reserve the numbers. #. Enter **Reservation Notes** for the reserved numbers to describe why the numbers are being reserved. This is displayed in the **Reservation notes** field on the **Number Inventory** list. #. Set **Filters** to determine which numbers will be included in the **Available** box in the **Select Numbers** area: * **Include available numbers** * **Include reserved numbers** * **Contains**. Used to further refine the numbers displayed in the *Available* box. * **Show numbers at/below hierarchy**. Allows you to select a lower hierarchy level than the one selected on the hierarchy breadcrumb. #. Select one or more numbers in the **Available** box and click **Select** to move them to the **Selected** box. #. Click **Save**. The selected number(s) are placed into a **Reserved** status, and are no longer available for allocation to a subscriber or phone, etc. .. note:: Individual numbers can also be reserved directly from the **Number Inventory** list view (default menu **Number Management > Number Inventory**) by clicking on the required number on the list view and then selecting **Reserve Number** on the button bar. Unreserve numbers .................. 1. Navigate to the required hierarchy level from which you want to unreserve numbers, i.e. add them back into the list of available numbers. #. On the **Cooling & Reservation** form, choose **Unreserve** from the **Select action** drop-down. #. Set **Filters** to determine which numbers will be included in the **Available** box in the **Select Numbers** area: * **Include reserved numbers** * **Contains**. Used to further refine the numbers displayed in the *Available* box. * **Show numbers at/below hierarchy**. Allows you to select a lower hierarchy level than the one selected on the hierarchy breadcrumb. #. Select one or more numbers in the **Available** box and click **Select** to move them to the **Selected** box. #. Click **Save**. The selected number(s) are removed from the **Reserved** status, and are available for allocation to a subscriber or phone, etc. See also: * :ref:`list-number-inventory-overview` * :ref:`run_the_directory_number_inventory_audit_tool` * :ref:`number-management-cooling` .. |menu_book32x24.png| image:: /src/images/menu_book32x24.png .. |playcircle24x23.png| image:: /src/images/playcircle24x23.png .. |youtube.png| image:: /src/images/youtube.png