.. _network_device_list:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Network Device Lists (NDL)

A network device list (NDL) is a list of network devices that are assigned to a
site. NDLs are defined at the customer hierarchy level, and a customer can have multiple NDLs. 

Only a Provider or Reseller administrator may create NDLs.

Shared UC applications (that is, UC Applications defined above the
customer hierarchy level) can be included in an NDL. However, to use that NDL, the
customer must be defined as allowing Shared UC Applications.

Each NDL can contain one instance each of the available devices. For example, for Cisco, 
one of each of the following: HCM-F, CUCM, CUC, Cisco WebEx. In this case, only 
Cisco HCM-F is required.

.. note::

   * References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if
     installed. The HCM-F device is pre-populated in the NDL and should not be changed.
   * UC application clusters are linked to a customer only once the NDL is created.

Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Add a Network Device List (NDL) in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="tasks-configure-network-device-list.html">Add a Network Device List (NDL)</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft.html">VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync</a>