.. _line_search:

Line Search

.. _19.1.1|EKB-1444:
.. _19.3.1|EKB-3961:
.. _20.1.1|EKB-6817:

The **Line Search** utility enables you to quickly search for all devices and
services associated with a selected line.

A **Search Line** drop down of lines is the list of available lines on the Internal
Number Inventory (INI) at a selected customer hierarchy and downwards, with used lines
indicated as (used).
The E164 number associated with the INI is also shown if available.

The devices and services included in the line search are:

* Phones
* Users
* Hunt Groups
* Call Pickup Group
* Device Profile
* Remote Destination Profile
* Voice Mail account

Search results are displayed as a list of grouped identifiers with links that allow
you to directly navigate to the individual service or device details.

.. note::

   If the same number is shared by multiple devices/services of the same type,
   using different partitions, only the first 10 instances will be displayed.