.. _standalone-extension-mobility:

Standalone Extension Mobility

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-687|EKB-4500:

Standalone Extension Mobility (EM) allows administrators to create and manage all
EM profiles at the specified organization level. This is done on the **Extension
Mobility** list view (default menu **Subscriber Management > Extension Mobility**).

Managing Extension Mobility

When adding or editing EM profiles you can personalize the EM profile for each user.

Consider the following:

* Extension Mobility Details, such as: 

  * Name*. Must be unique and can't be the same as a device name on Unified CM
    since both are device types. This field is not applicable when editing an
    EM profile.

* Lines

  * Extension Mobility can be associated to multiple subscribers. If the "Show
    Numbers belonging to this Subscriber" option is selected from the **Inventory
    Filter** drop-down, only the directory numbers associated to the first
    Subscriber on the **Subscribers** tab are displayed.

  * Line settings can only be changed for the original line, not the clones.
  * All line settings changed for a line, automatically apply for the clones of
    that line, if any.
* Speed Dials. Enables you to manage the speed dial numbers associated with the
  EM profile.
* Services. EM profiles can be subscribed, unsubscribed and re-subscribed to IP
  Phone Services such as Intercom Calls, Login/Logout or SingleWire.
* Subscribers. Allows you to associate the EM profile to one or more subscriber.

  You can also disassociate an EM profile from a subscriber by clearing the name
  from the **Username** drop-down and clicking **Save**.
  The **Subscriber** 'Link' on an existing EM profile links to the associated
  Subscriber's **Extension Mobility** form (default menu **Subscriber Management
  > Subscribers**).

When deleting an extension mobility profile, the following elements are automatically

* Speed dials
* Busy lamp fields
* Service URL's
* IP phone service subscriptions

See also :ref:`add_subscribers` (**Extension Mobility** tab) to add extension
mobility to a subscriber during the add subscriber workflow.