Default Cache Control Policy

A default Cache Control Policy is applied to manage the caching behavior of
the system, in other words,  it controls how data is read. 

The defaults are set as follows:

* Cache Policy for Reads: read from cache then device
* Read Before Write: On Update
* Read After Write: On Add
* Read After Write: On Update
* Model specific overrrides: 

  * Model Type: ``device/notification_service/*``

    * Cache Policy for Reads: Cache

The following concepts apply:

* Cache only: Unless overridden within the request, instance reads via the API
  always return the cached version of data. There is no need for the client to
  query the uncached instance data.
* Cache then device:  The API will return the cached data, the Admin Portal will
  indicate that the data shown is cached and will automatically make an API call
  requesting non-cached data. It is up to external clients to query the data
  requesting non-cached data. If this option is selected, data is loaded into
  the system in two steps:
  1. Load cached data
  #. Load device data

  The 'cached' visual indicator is displayed until the second step is complete.
  The device data overrides the previously displayed data unless the user has
  made an input:
  a. The fields changed by the user will reflect the user's input and not the
     device data.
  #. Arrays are blocked for the duration of the device data loading (while the
     'cached' flag is displayed) and the user can not add or remove elements
     until the device data loading completes. 
  Data is validated constantly as displayed values change, and validation status
  always reflects the very latest state.
* Manual: Unless overridden within the request, instance reads via the API
  always return the cached version of data. An external client using the API
  needs to provide a button to allow the user to manually retrieve non-cached
* No cache: Unless overridden within the request, instance reads via the API
  always return the uncached version of data that is queried from the device.
  In this mode the Admin Portal will not show any data until it is retrieved from
  the device.

For Relation model types, the relation's cache control policy will filter down
to the joined device models. For example:

* If the cache control policy of a Relation is Cache then Device, any GET
  operations that do not specify the cached parameter will return a cached
  result. It then becomes the client's responsibility to make another request
  with ``cached=false``. 
* If the cache control policy of a Relation is Cache only or Manual, then
  any GET requests that do not specify the cached parameter, return cached
  data for all joined models.
* If the cache control policy on read is No cache, the Relation will always
  fetch the latest device data.

.. |VOSS-4-UC| replace:: VOSS-4-UC
.. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM
.. |HCS Administrator| replace:: UCS Administrator