.. _cloning-items:

Cloning Items

VOSS-4-UC allows you to make a copy (clone) certain items, such as roles, credential policies, 
devices, and phones. Cloning provides a quick way to create new items, based on data from the 
cloned item. A **Clone** action displays on pages in the Admin Portal, where it's possible 
to create a clone. Clone is not possible in the list views, for example. 

The system creates the new cloned item once you click **Save**.

If an item refers to other items, only the current item is cloned, and not the
referenced items. For example, when cloning a phone, the device
models (Phone and Remote Destination) that are referred to in this item are not

On the cloned item, you will need to edit the cloned key field(s), such 
as *Name*, and provide new values to create the new item in the system. If you don't change 
a key field value, the system displays the following error message: 
"Error, Duplicate Resource Found." 

Create a Clone

This procedure clones an existing item to create a new item. 

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in to the Admin Portal. 
#. Choose the hierarchy level of the item to be cloned.
#. Choose the required item that you want to clone.
#. Click the **Clone** action on the button bar.
#. The page refreshes and the form displays the cloned item.
#. Edit the required details, and click **Save** on the button bar when complete
   to create the new item.