.. _bulk-update-webex-teams-users:

Bulk Update Webex Teams Users

.. 21.1|VOSS-725:

The **Bulk Update Webex Teams Users** menu provides controls
to generate CVS files to carry out bulk tasks upon its import into 
Webex Teams Control Hub.

1. Choose **Webex Teams** > **Bulk Update Webex Teams Users**.
   You will be asked to choose a customer level or lower hierarchy 
   where the Webex team users are.
2. To filter the users at this hierarchy, select a **User Filter**,
   for example all users or only users with Hybrid Calling enabled.
3. Select the **User Template** containing the settings to apply to the
   filtered users, for example to provide messaging only, select the
   Webex Teams User Messaging Only Template.
4. Choose whether to generate a combined CSV file for the hierarchy
   or individual files for each user, or both - thereby generating multiple
5. Enter the **CSV Recipient Email Address**. This defaults to the VOSS-4-UC 
   administrator email address.
6. If necessary, further selection of the users can be 
   carried out by moving only some of them from the **Available** to the 
   **Selected** side-by-side boxes. Else move all users.
7. Click **Save** to send the message and CSV file attachment.