.. _access-profile-operations:

Access Profile Permissions and Operations

Administrators *above* Provider level can maintain access profiles
as a part of role management.

An access profile assigned to a role provides a general set of permissions
and type-specific operations which are associated with specific models.

For type-specific operations, wild cards may be used
in model references, for example ``data/*``.

.. note::
   * Type-specific permissions that are also configured as general
     permitted operations will override the general permissions.

The default access profiles show typical configurations,
for example an Operator-type profile at a hierarchy would *only* require
**Read** type-specific permissions, while the administrator profile
at the same hierarchy would have **Create**, **Update** and **Delete**
permissions for the same type.

The default access profiles of the following administrators above
Provider level have full general and type-specific permissions to all models:

* ``hcsadmin`` (Provider product deployment)
* ``entadmin`` (Enterprise product deployment)

The lists below provide details on the types of settings.   

* **Miscellaneous Permissions**

  Many of these are general permissions that can be overridden per model
  as **Type Specific Permissions**.

  The explanations below show the affect of enabling the permission.

  * **Api Root**: Access to API root endpoint is permitted.
  * **Device Type Root**: Access to API ``device`` type model root endpoint is permitted.
  * **Export Data**: General permission to export data.
  * **Help**: On-line help button is shown.
  * **Help Export**: Help data can be exported.
  * **Json Editor**: Access to JSON Editor for the editing of model instances. 
    A **JSON Edit** button is available on the GUI form.
  * **Login**: Login is allowed.
  * **Meta Schema**: Meta schema is accessible.
  * **Model Type Choices**: Access to API choices endpoint of model types is permitted. 
  * **Model Type Root**: Access to API model root endpoint is permitted.
  * **Operations**: Operations on models are permitted.
  * **Tag**: Models can be tagged.
  * **Tool Root**: Access to API tool root endpoint is permitted.
  * **Upload**: Uploads are allowed.

* **Type Specific Permissions**
  These are typically available on the GUI when listing or showing the type.

  .. note::

     * The available permissions can vary according to the selected type.
     * If the **Create** type specific permission is enabled for
       a model type, this also enables **Clone** of a model instance.

  Typical operations are listed below:

  * **Create**, **Delete**, **Read**, **Update**: management operations on models.
  * **Configuration Template**, **Field Display Policy**: create these for the model.
  * **Export**, **Export Bulkoad Template** : allow export formats of the model.
  * **Bulk Update**: from a GUI list view, more than one item can be selected and
  * For system level administrators above provider level: **Purge** for device models.
    From a list or instance view, remove the local database instance but retain it on the device.
    .. note::
       This operation is only applicable in cases where the UC server is still online
       and available in the VOSS-4-UC system.
  * For designers: **Migration**: a migration template can be obtained.
  * For designers: **Tag** and **Tag Version**: a model instance can be tagged and a version provided.

**See Also**:

  .. raw:: latex

     Access Profile Overview in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="access-profiles.html">Access Profile Overview</a>