.. _aa_manage_greeting_files:

Manage Greeting Files

This option allows you to independently upload previously created greeting (.wav)
files, which can be used when adding or updating call handlers at a hierarchy level.

.. note::

   The Unity Connection server port that is used when uploading greeting files is the port specified
   during Unity Connection Publisher setup - see :ref:`set_up_cisco_unity_connection`.

1. Click **Auto Attendant > Manage Greeting Files**.
#. Click **Add**.
#. Click **Browse** to select the required greeting file from the directory in
   which it was saved.
#. Enter an optional description to uniquely identify the greeting file.
#. Click **Save**.

Uploaded greeting files are available to use on the **Record/Playback** and
**Upload Greeting** tabs when you modify a call handler, see :ref:`modify_call_handler_service`.