.. _configure_cti_route_points:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Add a CTI Route Point

This procedure adds a CTI route point.

A computer telephony integration (CTI) route point designates a virtual device
that can receive multiple, simultaneous calls for application-controlled redirection.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Set the hierarchy path to the site for which you want to configure CTI
   Route Points.

3. Navigate to the **CTI Route Points** page:

   * If you're logged in as provider or reseller administrator, choose
     **Apps Management > CUCM > CTI Route Points**.
   * If you're logged in as customer administrator, choose
     **Apps Management > Advanced > CTI Route Points**.

4. Click **Add**.
5. Complete at minimum, the mandatory :ref:`cti_route_points_fields`.
6. Click + next to **Line**, to associate a line with the CTI Route Point.
   Complete, at minimum, the mandatory :ref:`cti_route_points_line_fields`.
7. Click **Save**.

.. _cti_route_points_fields:

CTI Route Points Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Option                   | Description                             |
|                          | Enter a unique identifier for this      |
| Device Name \*           | device, from 1 to 15 characters,        |
|                          | including alphanumeric, dot, dash, or   |
|                          | underscores. This field is mandatory.   |
|                          | Enter a descriptive name for the CTI    |
|                          | route point. The description can        |
|                          | include up to 50 characters in any      |
| Description              | language, but it cannot include         |
|                          | double-quotes (\"), percentage sign     |
|                          | (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\\), or |
|                          | angle brackets (<>).                    |
|                          | Choose the name of a Device Pool. The   |
|                          | device pool specifies the collection of |
|                          | properties for this device, including   |
| Device Pool \*           | Cisco Unified Communications Manager    |
|                          | Group, Date Time Group, Region, and     |
|                          | Calling Search Space for                |
|                          | autoregistration. This field is         |
|                          | mandatory.                              |
|                          | Choose the common device configuration  |
|                          | to which you want this CTI route point  |
|                          | assigned. The common device             |
| Common Device            | configuration includes the attributes   |
| Configuration            | (services or features) that are         |
|                          | associated with a particular user.      |
|                          | Configure common device configurations  |
|                          | in the Common Device Configuration      |
|                          | window.                                 |
|                          | From the drop-down list, choose a       |
|                          | calling search space. The calling       |
| Calling Search Space     | search space specifies the collection   |
|                          | of partitions that are searched to      |
|                          | determine how a collected (originating) |
|                          | number is routed.                       |
|                          | From the drop-down list, choose the     |
|                          | appropriate location for this CTI route |
|                          | point. This field is mandatory.         |
|                          |                                         |
|                          | Locations implement call admission      |
|                          | control (CAC) in a centralized          |
|                          | call-processing system. CAC regulates   |
|                          | audio quality and video availability by |
|                          | limiting the amount of bandwidth that   |
|                          | is available for audio and video calls  |
|                          | between locations. The location         |
| Location \*              | specifies the total bandwidth that is   |
|                          | available for calls to and from this    |
|                          | location.                               |
|                          |                                         |
|                          | A location setting of Hub_None means    |
|                          | that the locations feature does not     |
|                          | track the bandwidth that this CTI route |
|                          | point consumes. A location setting of   |
|                          | Phantom specifies a location that       |
|                          | enables successful CAC across           |
|                          | intercluster trunks that use H.323      |
|                          | protocol or SIP.                        |
|                          | From the drop-down list, choose the     |
|                          | locale that is associated with the CTI  |
|                          | route point. The user locale identifies |
|                          | a set of detailed information to        |
|                          | support users, including language and   |
| User Locale              | font.                                   |
|                          | Note:                                   |
|                          |                                         |
|                          | If no user locale is specified, Cisco   |
|                          | Unified CM uses the user locale that is |
|                          | associated with the device pool         |
|                          | Choose the appropriate Media Resource   |
|                          | Group List. A Media Resource Group List |
|                          | is a prioritized grouping of media      |
|                          | resource groups. An application chooses |
|                          | the required media resource, such as a  |
|                          | Music On Hold server, from the          |
| Media Resource Group     | available media resources. The          |
| List                     | application chooses according to the    |
|                          | priority order defined in a Media       |
|                          | Resource Group List.                    |
|                          |                                         |
|                          | If you choose <none>, Cisco Unified CM  |
|                          | uses the Media Resource Group that is   |
|                          | defined in the device pool.             |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Option                   | Description                                |
|                          | Choose the audio source that plays when    |
|                          | the network starts a hold action.          |
|                          |                                            |
| Network Hold MOH Audio   | If you do not choose an audio source,      |
| Source                   | Cisco Unified CM uses the audio source     |
|                          | that is defined in the device pool. If     |
|                          | the device pool does not specify an        |
|                          | audio source, the system default is        |
|                          | used.                                      |
|                          | Choose the audio source that plays when    |
|                          | an application starts a hold action.       |
|                          |                                            |
| User Hold MOH Audio      | If you do not choose an audio source,      |
| Source                   | Cisco Unified CM uses the audio source     |
|                          | that is defined in the device pool. If     |
|                          | the device pool does not specify an        |
|                          | audio source, the system default is        |
|                          | used.                                      |
|                          | Enable or disable whether Cisco Unified    |
|                          | CM inserts a trusted relay point (TRP)     |
|                          | device with this media endpoint. This      |
|                          | field is mandatory. Choose one of the      |
|                          | following values:                          |
|                          |                                            |
|                          | * **Default** - If you choose this         |
|                          |   value, the device uses the Use           |
|                          |   Trusted Relay Point setting from         |
|                          |   the common device configuration          |
|                          |   with which this device associates.       |
|                          | * **Off** - Choose this value to           |
|                          |   disable the use of a TRP with this       |
| Use Trusted Relay Point  |   device. This setting overrides the       |
| Required Field \*        |   Use Trusted Relay Point setting in       |
|                          |   the common device configuration          |
|                          |   with which this device associates.       |
|                          | * **On** - Choose this value to enable     |
|                          |   the use of a TRP with this device.       |
|                          |   This setting overrides the Use           |
|                          |   Trusted Relay Point setting in the       |
|                          |   common device configuration with         |
|                          |   which this device associates.            |
|                          |                                            |
|                          | A Trusted Relay Point (TRP) device         |
|                          | designates an MTP or transcoder device     |
|                          | that is labeled as Trusted Relay Point.    |
|                          | This setting allows you to localize the    |
|                          | calling party number on the device.        |
|                          | Make sure that the Calling Party           |
|                          | Transformation CSS that you choose         |
|                          | contains the calling party                 |
|                          | transformation pattern that you want to    |
|                          | assign to this device.                     |
|                          | Tip:                                       |
| Calling Party            |                                            |
| Transformation CSS       | Before the call occurs, the device must    |
|                          | apply the transformation by using digit    |
|                          | analysis. If you configure the Calling     |
|                          | Party Transformation CSS as **None**, the  |
|                          | transformation does not match and does     |
|                          | not get applied. Ensure that you           |
|                          | configure the Calling Party                |
|                          | Transformation Pattern in a non-null       |
|                          | partition that is not used for routing.    |
|                          | From the drop-down list box, choose a      |
|                          | geolocation.                               |
|                          |                                            |
| Geolocation              | You can choose the Unspecified             |
|                          | geolocation, which designates that this    |
|                          | device does not associate with a           |
|                          | geolocation.                               |
|                          | To use the Calling Party Transformation    |
|                          | CSS that is configured in the device       |
|                          | pool that is assigned to this device,      |
| Use Device Pool Calling  | select this check box. If you do not       |
| Party Transformation CSS | select this check box, the device uses     |
|                          | the Calling Party Transformation CSS       |
|                          | that you configured in the CTI Route       |
|                          | Point Configuration window.                |

.. _cti_route_points_line_fields:

CTI Route Points Line Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field              | Description                                    |
|                    | Enter a dialable phone number. Values can      |
|                    | include route pattern wildcards and numeric    |
|                    | characters (0 to 9). Special characters such   |
|                    | as a question mark (?), exclamation mark (!),  |
|                    | backslash (\\), brackets ([ ]), plus sign      |
|                    | (\+), dash (-), asterisk (*), caret (^), pound |
|                    | sign (#), and an X are also allowable.         |
| Directory          | Special characters that are not allowed are a  |
| Number \*          | period (.), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and  |
|                    | percent sign (%). This field is mandatory.     |
|                    |                                                |
|                    | At the beginning of the pattern, enter \\+ if  |
|                    | you want to use the international escape       |
|                    | character \+. For this field, \\+ does not     |
|                    | represent a wildcard; instead, entering \\+    |
|                    | represents a dialable digit.                   |
|                    | Choose the partition to which the directory    |
|                    | number belongs. Make sure that the directory   |
| Route Partition \* | number that you enter in the Directory Number  |
|                    | field is unique within the partition that you  |
|                    | choose. If you do not want to restrict access  |
|                    | to the directory number, choose <None> for     |
|                    | the partition.                                 |
|                    | This field is the line position on the         |
| Index              | device. If left blank, an integer is           |
|                    | automatically assigned.                        |
|                    | Indicate phone number (or mask) that is used   |
|                    | to send Caller ID information when a call is   |
|                    | placed from this line.                         |
|                    |                                                |
|                    | You can enter a maximum of 24 number, the      |
| External Phone     | international escape character \+, and \"X\"   |
| Number Mask        | characters. The Xs represent the directory     |
|                    | number and must appear at the end of the       |
|                    | pattern. For example, if you specify a mask    |
|                    | of 972813XXXX, an external call from           |
|                    | extension 1234 displays a caller ID number of  |
|                    | 9728131234.                                    |
|                    | Use this field only if you do not want the     |
|                    | directory number to show on the line           |
|                    | appearance. Enter text that identifies this    |
|                    | directory number for a line and phone          |
|                    | combination.                                   |
| Line Text Label    |                                                |
|                    | Suggested entries include boss name,           |
|                    | department name, or other appropriate          |
|                    | information to identify multiple directory     |
|                    | numbers to a secretary or assistant who        |
|                    | monitors multiple directory numbers.           |
|                    | Leave this field blank to have the system      |
|                    | display the extension.                         |
|                    |                                                |
| Display (Internal  | Use a maximum of 30 characters. Typically,     |
| Caller ID)         | use the username or the directory number. If   |
|                    | using the directory number, the person         |
|                    | receiving the call may not see the proper      |
|                    | identity of the caller.                        |
|                    | This field provides the same information as    |
|                    | the Display (Internal Caller ID) field, but    |
| ASCII Display      | limit input to ASCII characters. Devices that  |
| (Caller ID)        | do not support Unicode (internationalized)     |
|                    | characters display the content of the ASCII    |
|                    | Display (Internal Caller ID) field.            |
|                    | If applicable, the ring setting that is used   |
|                    | when this phone has another active call on a   |
|                    | different line. Choose one of the following    |
|                    | options:                                       |
| Ring Setting       |                                                |
| (Phone Active)     | * **Use system default**                       |
|                    | * **Disable**                                  |
|                    | * **Flash only**                               |
|                    | * **Ring once**                                |
|                    | * **Ring**                                     |
|                    | * **Beep only**                                |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field              | Description                                    |
|                    | If applicable, the ring setting for the line   |
|                    | appearance when an incoming call is received   |
|                    | and no other active calls exist on that        |
|                    | device. Choose one of the following options:   |
| Ring Setting       |                                                |
| (Phone Idle)       | * **Use system default**                       |
|                    | * **Disable**                                  |
|                    | * **Flash only**                               |
|                    | * **Ring once**                                |
|                    | * **Ring**                                     |
|                    | This field determines the recording option on  |
|                    | the line appearance of an agent. The default   |
|                    | recording option is Call Recording Disabled.   |
|                    |                                                |
|                    | Choose one of the following options:           |
|                    |                                                |
|                    | * **Call Recording Disabled** - Calls made on  |
|                    |   this line appearance cannot be recorded.     |
|                    | * **Automatic Call Recording Enabled** -       |
| Recording Option   |   Calls made on this line appearance are       |
|                    |   recorded automatically.                      |
|                    | * **Selective Call Recording Enabled** -       |
|                    |   Calls made on this line appearance can be    |
|                    |   recorded using a softkey or programmable     |
|                    |   line key that is:                            |
|                    |                                                |
|                    |   * assigned to the device                     |
|                    |   * a CTI-enabled application                  |
|                    |   * both interchangeably                       |
| Recording Profile  | This field determines the recording profile    |
|                    | on the line appearance of an agent.            |
|                    | This field determines the recording media      |
|                    | source option on the line appearance.          |
|                    |                                                |
|                    | Choose one of the following options:           |
| Recording Media    |                                                |
| Source             | * **Gateway Preferred** - Voice gateway is     |
|                    |   selected as the recording media source       |
|                    |   when the call is routed through a            |
|                    |   recording enabled gateway.                   |
|                    | * **Phone Preferred** - Phone is selected as   |
|                    |   the recording media source.                  |
|                    | The monitoring calling search space of the     |
| Monitoring Calling | supervisor line appearance must include the    |
| Search Space       | agent line or device partition to allow        |
|                    | monitoring the agent.                          |
|                    | Use this field to configure the handset lamp   |
|                    | illumination policy. Choose one of the         |
|                    | following options:                             |
|                    |                                                |
| Visual Message     | * **Use System Policy** (The directory number  |
| Waiting Indicator  |   refers to the service parameter \"Message    |
| Policy             |   Waiting Lamp Policy\" setting.)              |
|                    | * **Light and Prompt**                         |
|                    | * **Prompt Only**                              |
|                    | * **Light Only**                               |
|                    | * **None**                                     |
|                    | Use this field to configure an audible         |
|                    | message waiting indicator policy. Choose one   |
|                    | of the following options:                      |
|                    |                                                |
| Audible Message    | * **Off**                                      |
| Waiting Indicator  | * **On** -  When you select this option, you   |
| Policy             |   receive a stutter dial tone when you take    |
|                    |   the handset off hook.                        |
|                    | * **Default** - When you select this option,   |
|                    |   the phone uses the default that was set      |
|                    |   at the system level.                         |
|                    | If selected, Cisco Unified CM logs missed      |
| Log Missed Calls   | calls in the call history for the shared line  |
|                    | appearance on the phone.                       |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field              | Description                                    |
|                    | This setting, working with Maximum Number of   |
|                    | Calls and Call Forward Busy, determines the    |
| Busy Trigger       | maximum call number for the line. Use this     |
|                    | field with Maximum Number of Calls for CTI     |
|                    | route points. The default specifies 4500 calls |
|                    | For CTI route points, you can configure up to  |
|                    | 10,000 calls for each port. The default        |
|                    | specifies 5000 calls. Use this field with the  |
|                    | **Busy Trigger** field.                        |
| Maximum Number of  | Note: We recommend that you set the maximum    |
| Calls              | number of calls to no more than 200 per route  |
|                    | point. This prevents system performance        |
|                    | degradation. If the CTI application needs      |
|                    | more than 200 calls, we recommend that you     |
|                    | configure multiple CTI route points.           |
| Dialed Number      | Select to display original dialed number upon  |
|                    | call forward.                                  |
| Redirected Number  | Select to display the redirected number upon   |
|                    | call forward.                                  |
| Caller Number      | Select to display the caller number upon call  |
|                    | forward.                                       |
| Caller Name        | Select to display the caller name upon call    |
|                    | forward.                                       |
| End User, User ID  | The User ID of a user associated with the      |
|                    | line.                                          |