.. _certificate-authority-functions-fields:

Certificate Authority Functions Fields

This table provides details on the available fields
for Certificate Authority Functions when configuring phones -
see :ref:`configure_phones`.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|

| Title           | Description                            |
|                 | From the drop-down list box,           |
|                 | choose one of the following            |
|                 | options:                               |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | No Pending Operation: Displays when no |
|                 | certificate operation is               |
|                 | occurring (default setting).           |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | Install/Upgrade: Installs a new        |
|                 | or upgrades an existing locally        |
|                 | significant certificate in the phone.  |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | Delete: Deletes the                    |
|                 | locally significant certificate        |
|                 | that exists in the phone.              |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | Troubleshoot: Retrieves the            |
|                 | locally significant certificate        |
| Certificate     | (LSC) or the manufacture               |
| Operation *     | installed certificate (MIC), so        |
|                 | you can view the certificate           |
|                 | credentials in the CAPF trace          |
|                 | file. If both certificate types        |
|                 | exist in the phone, Cisco Unified      |
|                 | CM creates two trace files, one        |
|                 | for each certificate type. By          |
|                 | choosing the Troubleshooting           |
|                 | option, you can verify that an         |
|                 | LSC or MIC exists in the phone.        |
|                 | For more information on CAPF           |
|                 | operations, see the Cisco Unified      |
|                 | Communications Manager Security        |
|                 | Guide.                                 |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | Default: No Pending                    |
|                 | Operation                              |
|                 | This field allows you to choose        |
|                 | the authentication method that         |
|                 | the phone uses during the CAPF         |
|                 | certificate operation. From the        |
|                 | drop-down list box, choose one of      |
|                 | the following options:                 |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | By Authentication                      |
|                 | String: Installs/upgrades,             |
|                 | deletes, or troubleshoots a            |
|                 | locally significant certificate        |
|                 | only when the user enters the          |
|                 | CAPF authentication string on the      |
|                 | phone.                                 |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | By Null String:                        |
|                 | Installs/upgrades, deletes, or         |
|                 | troubleshoots a locally                |
|                 | significant certificate without        |
|                 | user intervention. This option         |
|                 | provides no security; Cisco            |
|                 | strongly recommends that you           |
|                 | choose this option only for            |
|                 | closed, secure environments.           |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | By Existing Certificate (Precedence    |
|                 | to LSC): Installs/upgrades,            |
|                 | deletes, or troubleshoots a            |
|                 | locally significant certificate        |
|                 | if a manufacture-installed             |
|                 | certificate (MIC) or locally           |
|                 | significant certificate (LSC)          |
|                 | exists in the phone. If a LSC          |
|                 | exists in the phone,                   |
|                 | authentication occurs via the          |
|                 | LSC, regardless whether a MIC          |
|                 | exists in the phone. If a MIC and      |
|                 | LSC exist in the phone,                |
|                 | authentication occurs via the          |
|                 | LSC. If a LSC does not exist in        |
|                 | the phone, but a MIC does exist,       |
|                 | authentication occurs via the          |
| Authentication  | MIC. Before you choose this            |
| Mode            | option, verify that a certificate      |
|                 | exists in the phone. If you            |
|                 | choose this option and no              |
|                 | certificate exists in the phone,       |
|                 | the operation fails. At any time,      |
|                 | the phone uses only one                |
|                 | certificate to authenticate to         |
|                 | CAPF even though a MIC and LSC         |
|                 | can exist in the phone at the          |
|                 | same time. If the primary              |
|                 | certificate, which takes               |
|                 | precedence, becomes compromised        |
|                 | for any reason, or, if you want        |
|                 | to authenticate via the other          |
|                 | certificate, you must update the       |
|                 | authentication mode.                   |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | By Existing Certificate (Precedence to |
|                 | MIC): Installs, upgrades,              |
|                 | deletes, or troubleshoots a            |
|                 | locally significant certificate        |
|                 | if a LSC or MIC exists in the          |
|                 | phone. If a MIC exists in the          |
|                 | phone, authentication occurs via       |
|                 | the MIC, regardless whether a LSC      |
|                 | exists in the phone. If a LSC          |
|                 | exists in the phone, but a MIC         |
|                 | does not exist, authentication         |
|                 | occurs via the LSC. Before you         |
|                 | choose this option, verify that a      |
|                 | certificate exists in the phone.       |
|                 | If you choose this option and no       |
|                 | certificate exists in the phone,       |
|                 | the operation fails. Note    The       |
|                 | CAPF settings that are configured      |
|                 | in the Phone Security Profile          |
|                 | window interact with the CAPF          |
|                 | parameters that are configured in      |
|                 | the Phone Configuration window.        |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | Default: By Null String                |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{4cm}|p{11cm}|

| Title           | Description                            |
|                 | If you chose the By                    |
|                 | Authentication String option in        |
|                 | the Authentication Mode drop-down      |
|                 | list box, this field applies.          |
|                 | Manually enter a string or             |
|                 | generate a string by clicking the      |
| Authentication  | Generate String button. Ensure         |
| String          | that the string contains 4 to 10       |
|                 | digits. To install, upgrade,           |
|                 | delete, or troubleshoot a locally      |
|                 | significant certificate, the           |
|                 | phone user or administrator must       |
|                 | enter the authentication string        |
|                 | on the phone.                          |
|                 | Enter the URL that the phone uses      |
|                 | to validate requests that are          |
|                 | made to the phone web server. If       |
|                 | you do not provide an                  |
|                 | authentication URL, the advanced       |
|                 | features on the Cisco Unified IP       |
| Authentication  | Phone that require authentication      |
| Server          | will not function. By default,         |
|                 | this URL accesses a Cisco Unified      |
|                 | Communications Self Care Portal        |
|                 | window that was configured during      |
|                 | installation. Leave this field         |
|                 | blank to accept the default            |
|                 | setting.                               |
|                 | ``keyOrder`` can be updated only if    |
|                 | ``certificateOperation`` field is      |
| Key Order       | Install/Upgrade,Delete or              |
|                 | Troubleshoot. Default: RSA Only        |
|                 |                                        |
|                 | For this setting that is used for      |
|                 | CAPF, choose the key size for the      |
|                 | certificate from the drop-down         |
|                 | list box. The default setting          |
|                 | equals 1024. Other options             |
|                 | include 512 and 2048. If you           |
|                 | choose a higher key size than the      |
|                 | default setting, the phones take       |
|                 | longer to generate the entropy         |
|                 | that is required to generate the       |
|                 | keys. Key generation, which is         |
| Key Size (Bits) | set at low priority, allows the        |
|                 | phone to function while the            |
|                 | action occurs. Depending on the        |
|                 | phone model, you may notice that       |
|                 | key generation takes up to 30 or       |
|                 | more minutes to complete. Note         |
|                 | The CAPF settings that are             |
|                 | configured in the Phone Security       |
|                 | Profile window interact with the       |
|                 | CAPF parameters that are               |
|                 | configured in the Phone                |
|                 | Configuration window. Default:         |
|                 | 1024                                   |
|                 | ``ecKeySize`` can be updated only if   |
| EC Key Size     | ``certificateOperation`` field is      |
| (Bits)          | Install/Upgrade,Delete or              |
|                 | Troubleshoot. Default: 384             |
|                 |                                        |
|                 |                                        |
| Operation       | The completion deadline for the        |
| Completes By    | operation (CCYY:MM:DD:HH:MM)           |
|                 |                                        |