.. _tasks-login-bap:

Log In

This procedure logs you in to the Business Admin Portal.

.. _19.1.1|VOSS-514:
.. _19.2.1|VOSS-546|EKB-2868:

.. note::

   * The Business Admin Portal uses the same base address (URL) as the Admin Portal.
     The base address is then suffixed with BAP specific login details (see below).
     Your username and password are the same.
   * If you are configuring a proxy server to access the Business Admin Portal
     endpoint ``/business-admin``, the following paths should all be added to your
     server configuration to point to the root server path (without this endpoint):

     * ``/api``
     * ``/noninteractivelogin``
     * ``/logout``
     * ``/login``
     * ``/account``

1. Go to the appropriate website address, for example:


   You will be redirected to:

   ``https://<Hostname>/portal/#/business-admin`` (login) .

   If a theme is applied to the login screen, use:


2. Fill out your username and password.

   If you have forgotten your password, click **Forgot Password**.


3. Click **Login** (or press **Enter**).

   The landing page displays. The appearance of your landing page depends on the roles defined in the Admin Portal.

.. |bap-browser-login| image:: /src/images/bap-browser-login.png