.. _webex-teams-dashboard:

Webex Teams

.. _19.1.1|VOSS-514:

Webex Teams is a Cloud-Based Business Collaboration Service, which allows employees
to message, meet, and call instantly in order to strengthen relationships and
increase productivity.  It combines mobile devices and other communications tools to provide
instant communications and live meetings to ensure a professional and effective
collaboration experience.

Webex Teams main functionality includes:

* Messaging: Business messaging allows users to prepare, share, and repeat content.
  It facilitates one-on-one or team messaging facilities in virtual rooms.
* Meeting: Connect teams and meet customers easily with the added benefits of
  messaging and content sharing before, during, and after the meeting.
* Call: The service enables voice and video communications via mobile, desktop,
  and room-based devices. Connect your existing PSTN1 services to Webex Teams to
  enjoy one-touch directory dialing and join meetings from anywhere on any device.
  Mobile users get features such as single number reach, single voicemail service,
  video services, and the ability to seamlessly move between devices during a call.

The Webex Teams landing page provides an overview of the items and tasks available
at the **Organization Selection** level:

* A **Counter** that indicates the number of **Users**.
* **Quick Actions** that provide the following hyperlinks:

  * **View Users** (including manage)

    Add or manage a user's:

    * User account details
    * Services
    * Roles

    The Webex Teams User fields, **Login Enabled** and **Invite Pending**
    check boxes are read-only and can not be edited.

    Webex users can also be managed from the :ref:`new-bap-subscribers-dashboard`.

  * **Sync Users** and **Sync Licenses**

.. rubric:: Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Administrator User Interface in the Business Admin Portal Guide

  .. raw:: html

     <a href="concepts-new-bap-user-interface.html">Administrator User Interface</a>